Acai Berries: Worth the Celebrity Hype?

Acai Berries: Worth the Celebrity Hype?

These deep purple berries have been called everything from the new superfood to a magical disease-fighting wonder; but is the Acai Berry really worth all the hype from both the media and celebrities?

Acai Berry products have been talked about on highly popular shows such as that of Oprah Winfrey and Rachel Ray-along with enthusiastic recommendations from celebrities such as Brad Pitt and the like, but-aside from having the same helpful properties as other berries-have yet to show conclusive evidence of the magic that many Acai Berry products promise.

Why is this? The reason-so … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Acai Berries: Worth the Celebrity Hype?

These deep purple berries have been called everything from the new superfood to a magical disease-fighting wonder; but is the Acai Berry really worth all the hype from both the media and celebrities?

Acai Berry products have been talked about on highly popular shows such as that of Oprah Winfrey and Rachel Ray-along with enthusiastic recommendations from celebrities such as Brad Pitt and the like, but-aside from having the same helpful properties as other berries-have yet to show conclusive evidence of the magic that many Acai Berry products promise.

Why is this? The reason-so far-that scientists cannot give the same promise that advertisers of the products do is because most of the claims from businesses selling Acai Berry products are completely unfounded. You see, the part of the Acai Berry that gives all the health benefits is the pulp. The pulp-because it is so fragile and needs constant refrigeration-does not travel well. This said-the Acai Berry can only be offered in juice and smoothie form in the U.S. thus far.

This means that all the online and tv ads you see for magical Acai Berry formulas, diets, pills, and powders are all devoid of actual Acai Berry, and certainly not worth the hype from the media and celebrities. This said, the fruit in its authentic available form, could very well be a healthy aid to a healthy diet-as suggested on these talk shows and through celebrity recommendation-but as noted previously, the studies for how great it is has yet to be substantiated.

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss

With all the talk recently about colon cleansing for optimal health and weight loss, it can be easy to get confused on the truth of the matter. Below, we take a closer look at colon cleansing in relation to weight loss.

So, does colon cleansing work to promote weight loss? As always, it depends on who you talk to. Some doctors will tell you that the only way to keep toxins from building up in our systems is to periodically flush them out with a colon cleanse, while others think that our bodies are already … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss

With all the talk recently about colon cleansing for optimal health and weight loss, it can be easy to get confused on the truth of the matter. Below, we take a closer look at colon cleansing in relation to weight loss.

So, does colon cleansing work to promote weight loss? As always, it depends on who you talk to. Some doctors will tell you that the only way to keep toxins from building up in our systems is to periodically flush them out with a colon cleanse, while others think that our bodies are already equipped to cleanse themselves and help only hurts this natural process. In relation to weight loss, most of the time effective colons cleanse will help in the short term, but should not be considered the only means to the end.

It is due to the fact that our colons are complex tubing systems that store fecal matter and toxins that as time progresses, leads to more build up of the same. Once this has happened, our bodies are simply unable to work efficiently-and therefore metabolic processes slow down leading to weight gain.

Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

Lately, the colon cleanse craze has been all the rage-with celebrities and the regular folk alike. They regularly visit detox centers, take supplements, and indulge in fasting cleanses; but are any of these high priced programs necessary? Doctors say no-there is a natural way to cleanse yourself in a healthy manner with natural laxatives.

Natural Ingredients

Constipation has always been an issue throughout history, and this said, they had to come up with a remedy to not only un-constipate themselves but also regularly cleanse their colons. They used natural herbs and foods such as: … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

Lately, the colon cleanse craze has been all the rage-with celebrities and the regular folk alike. They regularly visit detox centers, take supplements, and indulge in fasting cleanses; but are any of these high priced programs necessary? Doctors say no-there is a natural way to cleanse yourself in a healthy manner with natural laxatives.

Natural Ingredients

Constipation has always been an issue throughout history, and this said, they had to come up with a remedy to not only un-constipate themselves but also regularly cleanse their colons. They used natural herbs and foods such as: prunes, cinnamon, peppermint, tamarind, chamomile, flowering spurge, aloe vera, basil, buckthorn, dandelion, and wild indigo. Moreover, others include: bananas, papaya, figs, and sweet potato help aid in proper digestion while flaxseed and psyllium seed help with bowel inflammatory problems.

Clean Out Toxins

Using any of the above ingredients will help you not only relieve constipation but also clean out toxins and poisons that may be hiding in your colon-without the use of a supplement or pill that could strip the natural barrier from your colon that promotes natural colon cleansing.