Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

Lately, the colon cleanse craze has been all the rage-with celebrities and the regular folk alike. They regularly visit detox centers, take supplements, and indulge in fasting cleanses; but are any of these high priced programs necessary? Doctors say no-there is a natural way to cleanse yourself in a healthy manner with natural laxatives.

Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

Lately, the colon cleanse craze has been all the rage-with celebrities and the regular folk alike. They regularly visit detox centers, take supplements, and indulge in fasting cleanses; but are any of these high priced programs necessary? Doctors say no-there is a natural way to cleanse yourself in a healthy manner with natural laxatives.

Natural Ingredients

Constipation has always been an issue throughout history, and this said, they had to come up with a remedy to not only un-constipate themselves but also regularly cleanse their colons. They used natural herbs and foods such as: prunes, cinnamon, peppermint, tamarind, chamomile, flowering spurge, aloe vera, basil, buckthorn, dandelion, and wild indigo. Moreover, others include: bananas, papaya, figs, and sweet potato help aid in proper digestion while flaxseed and psyllium seed help with bowel inflammatory problems.

Clean Out Toxins

Using any of the above ingredients will help you not only relieve constipation but also clean out toxins and poisons that may be hiding in your colon-without the use of a supplement or pill that could strip the natural barrier from your colon that promotes natural colon cleansing.

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One thought on “Colon Cleanse the Natural Way”

  1. When doing your detox/cleansing diet a great anti-oxidant is Mangosteen and can be used with Green Papaya Powder to facilitate a cleanse (available at And while getting cleaned out on the inside be sure to clean yourself on the outside with a Bathroom Bidet Sprayer from You have never felt so refreshed and clean.

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