Summer is Right for Weight Loss

Summer is Right for Weight Loss

They say that the summer is the best time to start a weight-loss program. This statement makes a great deal of sense, for obvious reasons. Studies show that adults tend to gain one pound a year. That may not sound like a lot, and it is certainly better than what many tend to think (5-8 pounds a year), but this can accumulate during a lifetime and can lead to obesity later in life.

In 2000, a study was done by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to determine if that pound was gained during … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Summer is Right for Weight Loss

They say that the summer is the best time to start a weight-loss program. This statement makes a great deal of sense, for obvious reasons. Studies show that adults tend to gain one pound a year. That may not sound like a lot, and it is certainly better than what many tend to think (5-8 pounds a year), but this can accumulate during a lifetime and can lead to obesity later in life.

In 2000, a study was done by the National Institute of Health (NIH) to determine if that pound was gained during the winter months, when there are more holidays and when we tend to be less active. This was an important study because the prevalence of obesity in the US, as well as the diseases that come along with it (diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancers), has dramatically increased in the last few decades.

Acai Ignite Supports Fat Loss

Acai Ignite Supports Fat Loss

Acai Ignite supports fat loss, increases users’ energy and focus, and is rich in anti-oxidants. It has high quality, all-natural ingredients. Its manufacturers do not depend upon celebrities and celebrity endorsements to promote their product. They offer a free, 10-day trial period.

This product is advertised not as a “cure-all”, but as a boost for maintaining weight loss and high levels of energy. In addition, it reduces pain and soreness, increases vitality and stamina, improves users’ immunity system, and helps improve mental focus.

Acai Ignite also helps fight free radicals, a known cause of cancer. … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Acai Ignite Supports Fat Loss

Acai Ignite supports fat loss, increases users’ energy and focus, and is rich in anti-oxidants. It has high quality, all-natural ingredients. Its manufacturers do not depend upon celebrities and celebrity endorsements to promote their product. They offer a free, 10-day trial period.

This product is advertised not as a “cure-all”, but as a boost for maintaining weight loss and high levels of energy. In addition, it reduces pain and soreness, increases vitality and stamina, improves users’ immunity system, and helps improve mental focus.

Acai Ignite also helps fight free radicals, a known cause of cancer. Each serving of Acai Ignite contains 400mg or pure acai, as compared to most other comparable products, which contain only half that amount. As a result, it is a more potent anti-oxidant and wellness product. This company is one of the first to manufacture and sell acai products, so it is one of the forerunners in the industry.