How to Make Exercise Fun
One of the things that I hate most about looking in the mirror and determining that it’s time to seriously consider getting myself in shape is the idea of setting up an exercise schedule. In my case, it’s even more difficult, since I don’t have the funds to hire a personal trainer or to join a fancy health club where they make sure that you get the results you’re looking for. No. Not me. However, I do have all the information I need and a ton of past experience to assist me in my exercise regimen endeavors. That’s not really the problem. It’s the motivation factor that has continually eluded me. At least that was the problem until I discovered something interesting about myself. I love to have fun!
Now this might sound a bit confusing, at first. After all, how many people do you know that actually look forward to an exercise session and say “I can’t wait to have some fun on that treadmill!”? Probably not many. But a slight adjustment in the way that I viewed my valuable exercise time made all the difference in the world. Here are some tips that you might be able to use the next time you get ready to get yourself in shape with a healthy exercise routine.
The first thing that you need to do is change your approach to the time that you’ve set aside to exercise. Remember, this is a reward to yourself – a way to be healthy and to have more energy for the things that you need and want to do throughout the day.
Personal trainer showing a client how to exercise the right way and educating them along the way. The semi-spherical device is a BOSU. Category:Fitness Category:Fitness_training Category:Personal_training Category:Stretching Category:Challenges to physical balance (Photo credit: Wikipedia)Secondly, try to engage in exercise that involves other people! Why conduct all of your exercise in some isolated room inside your home, when group activities are so much more fun? How about a sport that can put a smile on your face – like tennis, for example? If you do decide to exercise alone in your home, don’t turn your exercise room into a dungeon. Remember – the key to your mental outlook is the environment that you create. This can mean playing some motivating, upbeat music when exercising.
Better still – you might want to invest in a small recording/playback gadget that will allow you play an audio book, written by your favorite author. In this way, you can tell yourself “Time to read my book!” instead of “Time to exercise.”
Guest Post by: Sarah Harris of Adiamor Diamond Engagement Rings. Adiamor offers a large selection of engagement ring settings, loose diamonds, and other fine diamond jewelry at affordable prices.