John’s Wort, the Most Powerful Natural Antidepressant

Depression is a serious medical condition that is manifested by increased depression, sadness, discouragement and deep chronic pessimism, all associated with anxiety and low general tone and resistance. Depression is the most common mental illness worldwide and it ranks second in the hierarchy of all diseases after hypertension.

Normally depression requires depression treatment and medication but long experiences have found numerous natural antidepressant preparations and John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) proved to be the most effective. Recommended since the XVI century by chemist Paracelsus against fear, sorrow and ugly dreams, John’s wort is beneficial in restoring hormonal balance and the nervous system. Drink as many as 2-3 teas a day before meals and one before bedtime. Tea may be replaced by St. John’s wort tincture (4-10 drops, 5 times a day), in a long-term treatment or with St. John’s wort oil (1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day). Remember, this is not a quick weight loss diet, it is a diet that will heal you.

Recent research has shown that St John’s wort contains a high dose of hyperforin, a substance that blocks those receptors in the brain that trigger depression. St. John’s wort is beneficial in treating symptomatic and reactive depression, neurotic depression and in neurovegetative dystonia. It was found that the antidepressant action of St. John’s wort takes effect 2-3 weeks after starting administration.

Following the photosensitizer effect of hypericin (an active principle of St. John’s wort), precautionary measures are required, the patient will avoid exposure to intense sunlight throughout the treatment.

Therapists developed various complex recipes, besides St. John’s wort, that include other plant species: Hawthorn, thyme, mint, forest peppermint, valerian, balm. Essential oils are also effective separately or in blends of lavender, basil, sage, rose, jasmine, ginger and marjoram, pollen and propolis, calamus and sea-buckthorn fruit cure, fresh celery juice cure, spinach and green barley.

John's Wort, the Most Powerful Natural Antidepressant by
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One thought on “John’s Wort, the Most Powerful Natural Antidepressant”

  1. Natural antidepressants work by altering the way certain neurotransmitters work in the brain. Other popular natural antidepressants include herbs such as Ginseng and Ginkgo, amino acids like l-tyrosine and phenylalanine, and certain nutrients including B vitamins. By the way, Thanks for giving me these information.

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