More and more people are starting to realize the health benefits of doing a cleanse and getting rid of all the build-up toxins that are present within their system. As they go about this cleanse though it’s important to take some time to learn how to exercise safely while doing it if you are hoping to maintain your usual workout program.
Some adjustments will have to be made if you’re going to see benefits from the cleanse while exercising, so it’s vital that you don’t overlook this factor.
Here’s what you must know about exercising while doing a cleanse.
Lower Overall Volume
The very first thing that you should do if you’re exercising while doing a cleanse is lower the amount of volume you’re doing. Since you won’t be taking in nearly the same amount of carbohydrates which would have been a quick energy source, you may find you’re energy levels starting to decline.
By keeping the overall volume of the workouts you’re doing lower, you help to deal with this.
Keep Your Weight Lifting Up
Second, when you go about your resistance training workouts it is important that you maintain the usual weight you’re lifting on the bar. Those who are lowering the weight lifted will be at a higher risk for losing lean muscle mass, which could in the long run slow down your metabolism.
The longer you plan to be on the cleanse the most important this factor will become so that you don’t regain any weight loss once you come off of it.
Scale Back Your Cardio
Third, you’ll also really want to watch how much high intensity cardio you’re performing. This form of cardio relies on stored muscle glycogen quite extensively and since you won’t be taking in all those carbohydrates that you normally would, your stores are going to be low.
Instead keep your cardio to a light walk. This will still help you maintain your fitness but won’t be as draining on the body while doing your cleanse.
Add More Time To Rest
It’s also going to be very important that you’re finding the time to rest while doing the cleansing and your exercise program. Each week you must have at least one full day off of complete rest (preferably you’d have two) and then you should also have one or two days when it’s only light exercise you’re performing.
As the body works through the cleanse some changes will take place and you’ll want to ensure that it has that time to rest and recover. This is what will have you coming back after the cleanse feeling your absolute best.
Consider Yoga Activities
Finally, while doing the cleanse you may also want to consider adding in some yoga related activities. These are great for reducing stress and will really help benefit the mind while you rid your body of all the toxic build-up that was impacting it.
Pairing yoga with the cleanse is a great combination for overall wellness so this is definitely something you do want to think about.
By keeping these points in mind as you go about your workout program you can be absolutely sure that you’re going to see great results.
If you are looking for a workout program which does not takes lot of your time and can be done conveniently then check out this review of 7 minute muscle. This review and this article also are from Nick. Nick is a regular fitness blogger. You should subscribe to his newsletter at his blog – Building Body Muscles.