Four Reasons To Switch To A Raw Food Diet

Raw food consists of ‘live’ food, which means it is uncooked and unprocessed. More and more people are choosing this way. Why? It’s because raw food provides all the enzymes necessary for a proper digestion, whereas cooking, destroys the enzymes (by heat) so when we eat boiled or fried food, our body is struggling to produce energy for digestion.

What are the differences?

The biochemical differences are amazing and you will feel them, especially mentally and emotionally. You will feel the mental changes if you try to return to your old eating habits and cooking style. In just a few hours you will feel that your mind is somewhat foggy and you have a hard time focusing on your thoughts.

What will you actually eat?

Don’t worry; there are plenty of fresh, sweet fruits that will provide the vitamins, minerals and fructose needed for your body. You can add raw veggies, seeds and nuts, avocado and coconut to your diet.  You may also want to focus on green vegetables, romaine lettuce and celery.

Raw food benefits include:

–          amazing, natural, mixed flavors

–          the characteristics of food will remain the same

–          a lot of vitamins, minerals & proteins

–          no cholesterol

–          the  pleasure to prepare it

–          weight loss if need it

–          detoxification

–          healthy intestinal flora

–          clear skin

–          anti-aging treatment

The four reasons to go RAW:

1. You will eat water-rich foods – the most natural diet.

Your body is 80% water! So, you can clearly see the huge role water plays in our lives and this is why it’s so important to nourish our body with fresh water. Your muscles and the brain also contain a lot of water, even your blood is mostly water. The body needs water to adjust its temperature and transport the fuel to our cells. Fruits and vegetables contain the water we need for optimal health.

2. Eat much more than ever before – without feeling guilty.

You don’t have to worry about how much you eat anymore. This is possible because unprocessed food is so much healthier. When you prepare the food you also get so little from it.

3. Eating raw slows down the aging process.

A lot of benefits come with this: brighter eyes and a soft beautiful voice! Lot of energy will move your body, your breath and body will smell much better! On the spiritual level you will see a lot of differences: a lot more synchronicity, better mood, better meditation, clarity and a deep level of consciousness.

4. Save time.

Without spending time with cooking you will have more time for you; reading books, walking in nature, chatting with friends and dancing will be more available to you!

You will feel so good on every level, that I think this will be the most powerful benefit; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical! Are you ready for this amazing experience that will change your life into a life with a high level of energy?

Aishwarya Vohra works for Offshore Ally. She is a part of the compay’s team of dedicated virtual assistant and SEO link builders. She likes to blog, read books and cook. Connect with her on Twitter.

Can Coffee Cut a Woman’s Stroke Risk?

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There are millions of women around the world who enjoy their “cup of Joe” everyday. In fact, life would be quite difficult for many of us if we stopped drinking coffee. Coffee is the preferred choice of beverage for many people to jump start their day. Coffee seems to have 2 things going for it. It tastes great and it has caffeine. Well now you can add a third ingredient and that would be medicinal properties! Yes, who would ever have thought that chugging down that black colored aromatic liquid is also good for you!

Most food products will have vitamins and minerals, where as others will have medicinal value. This is why food has been categorized into nutritious and functional. Nutritious foods are the ones that have all the vitamins and minerals, where as functional foods will have medicinal qualities, such as garlic, various herbs etc. Now Coffee has been added to the list of functional foods! This is because contrary to what was believed before, coffee contains certain compounds which help with the maintenance of the human body. In fact each time a person drinks a cup of coffee, they are reducing the risk of many diseases. This is especially true for women.

However, there is a catch. The amount of coffee consumed should be in moderation. By moderation it is meant by 1to 3 cups a day. Studies were done on nearly 80,000 women and it was found that women, who drank moderate amounts of coffee, had approximately 20 percent less chance to suffer strokes or hear t related diseases. For women, the benefits of drinking coffee do not stop there. Research has also shown that women who regularly drink coffee show slower signs of brain degeneration or cognitive function of the brain, by as much as 30 percent!

Yes, coffee helps with women’s memory. Interestingly, these benefits were not seen in men. As mentioned before, drinking coffee should be done in moderation. If not, then many of the health benefits that come with drinking coffee can get cancelled. Not only is moderation important, it should also be done at different times of the day. This means instead of chugging down 2 or 3 cups all at once, it should be spread throughout different times of the day. As far as pregnant women are concerned, consumption should not be more than one cup a day. The final conclusion from all this research is that a cup of coffee a day will indeed keep the doctor away!

About the Author: C. J. Jones blogs for her personal hobby blog she uses to help people get info on nutrition degrees online.