These days, more and more people are trying to lose weight. In the media we’re bombarded with images of the perfect body, and in the news we’re constantly told of the health implications of being overweight… so it’s no surprise that the fitness bug has really caught on.
There’s a massive range of diets to choose from, all of which make great claims about how much weight you’ll lose. To get the most out of any diet, however, it should be accompanied by a suitable exercise program – you’ll need to choose an aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise, which means anything that will raise your heart rate and oxygen intake over a sustained period of time, and perform this exercise for at least twenty minutes three times a week. One of the easiest aerobic exercises that almost anyone can do, is jogging.
For many people though the idea of jogging out on the street can be off putting – whether this is because of the pollution and congestion of our towns and cities, or simply because you feel self-conscious of exercising out in public. For these people, buying a treadmill for use at home is a great idea, and not necessarily an expensive one – most high street retailers will have a selection of cheap treadmills for sale.
Running on a treadmill will give you a great workout – and not just your legs. The action you perform as you run means that you’ll be working out your stomach area along with your arms and chest too, as well as getting that all important aerobic exercise. For some people though, pounding into the treadmill stride after stride can take it’s toll on their joints – anyone who’s prone to sore ankles or knees would be better avoiding this kind of exercise. For them, crosstrainers are perfect replacement machines. You still get a full all-over workout, but a much more controlled motion prevents any jarring of the joints, and stops any pain developing.
So follow the simple golden rules – a calorie controlled diet, combined with moderate levels of exercise – and in no time at all, you’ll be feeling good and looking great all at your ideal weight.
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