Women and men differ in many ways. This is no secret. When it comes to health, there are some disorders that are often more prevalent in females than in males. While the disorders listed below are not limited to being problems only for women, they have proven to be more prevalent in the female gender. If you are a woman, knowing what disorders are common and what side effects to look for can be very helpful in determining if you are suffering from a common disorder related to women’s health. The following are 10 common disorders found in women.
- Eating Disorders. Eating disorders are very common among women in their early adulthood. The standards that society has set as far as what it means to be beautiful have forced an increase in the number of women who suffer from the problem. The notion that being thin is beautiful has caused many women to be plagued by eating disorder that negatively impact their health. A woman often knows when she is suffering from an eating disorder because it is self provoked. During other times, it can be a mental road block that she has to overcome.
- Sleep Disorders. Another disorder that is all too common among women is sleep disorders. These disorders tend to affect working women more than those who stay at home. Sleep disorders can be very dangerous to your health. If you aren’t getting adequate rest, your immune system will begin to shut down leading to further health problems. It is recommended that an adult get a full 6-8 hours of rest during the night. Any less than this can bring on health problems in the future.
- Grave’s Disease or an overactive thyroid. An overactive thyroid is characterized by weight loss, irritability, muscle weakness, shaky hands, fine brittle hair, etc. It occurs when the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone and is very common among women of all ages. Grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism can only be diagnosed through blood tests given at your doctor’s office.
- Hypothyroidism. In contrast, hypothyroidism is caused when the thyroid produces too little hormones. They symptom of this disorder are the same as with Grave’s Disease except the woman may experience weight gain rather than weight loss. If left untreated, a woman can have trouble focusing and taking part in day to day activities in life. Once again, only your doctor can determine if you have a problem with your thyroid by testing your blood.
- Anemia. A lack of iron in the body is a disorder than is common among women in the child bearing age. Menstrual periods can leave the woman with the lack of iron that is needed to maintain a healthy body. Many women are forced to take iron pills to help with the disorder. Many doctors recommend that every woman take a vitamin daily to ensure sufficient iron levels.
- Psoriasis. This disorder occurs when new skin cells develop to deep within the skin. Appearing on the head, elbows, and knee, the thick red patches are often itchy and painful. Women are more subject to getting psoriasis than men.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis. This disorder occurs when the immune system attacks the lining that protects the joints in the body. This leads to reduced movement and can leave women unable to function. Eventually, medication will have to be taken to help lessen the symptoms associated with the medical disorder.
- Diabetes. Common among both men and women, diabetes has become an epidemic. Of left untreated, diabetes can lead to heart disease. Symptoms may include frequent bathroom visits (urination), feeling hungry, tiredness, dry skin, etc.
- Celiac Disease. Abdominal bloating, skipped menstrual periods, infertility, fatigue, and extreme weight loss/gain are all symptoms of celiac disease. This disease is commonly found in women and occurs when one has an allergy to gluten which is found in many foods.
- Headache disorder. Countless women suffer from headaches on a daily basis. Headaches are often brought on by tension or stress. Migraines are a common form of headache that can especially hard for women to deal with.
Above are 10 common disorders that can affect the overall health of women. If you think that you may have one of the disorders, consult you doctor. Only your doctors can accurately diagnosis whether or not you have a disorder. Schedule your appointment today!
Alex writes for self hypnosis resource website where you can download self hypnosis scripts, relaxation cds, subliminal messages and lot more.
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