The Purpose Of A Diet Cleanse

Diet cleansing programs are constructed for many different purposes and the principles and advantages vary accordingly. Some physicians recommend a diet cleanse to those who need to rid their bodies of toxins or medication or simply to act as a catalyst for losing weight. The type of diet cleanse you will undertake very much depends on the reason for cleansing, as such the plan will be tailored to suit.

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In order to understand your cleansing program you will need to read through the plan carefully. If there are any points that you are unsure of then ask your dietician or physician to clarify the situation. The vast majority of cleansing programs exclude sugar, wheat flour, caffeine, alcohol and dairy products. You will be encouraged to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, whole-grain, olives certain spices and seed and nut oils.

Many embark on a diet cleanse feeling it is like a punishment but you can enjoy eating a host of healthy foods and whole-grain. Those who wish to free their bodies from toxins may try a diet cleansing program, quite often this type of eating program can help to find out if a person has any food intolerance or allergies. Diet cleansing programs have one major thing in common, they tend to cut out or restrict certain types of food.  Common cleansing diets include the abstinence of fast foods, fried foods, processed food and sugars. Other programs may veto common allergens like dairy, wheat flour and soy based products. Anyone who wishes to start a diet cleansing program should proceed with care; it is always advisable to seek the opinions of a physician before going ahead.

Why Choose The Gwyneth Paltrow Cleanse Detox Diet

English: Gwyneth Paltrow at the 2011 Venice Film Festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everyone wants to lose weight, but most of us do not know how to lose it the right way. Gwyneth Paltrow has come up with a great detox diet that is sure to work. The best part about this diet is that you do not have to stick to just drinking juice, you get to eat as well.

The Gwyneth Paltrow cleanse detox diet is great for those of us who do not like to cook heavy meals. All you need for this diet is simple ingredients, and of course a food processor. You need to blend as you go, this is to ensure that what you are drinking is fresh. You will drink this juice twice a day, with the third meal being some sort of salad mixture.

A detox diet is used to not only help you lose weight, but get rid of all the junk stored up in your colon over the years. You can lose a potential ten pounds or more in as little as a week. This is a great diet for people to cleanse their bodies, and start a regular exercise regiment. The Gwyneth Paltrow cleanse detox diet is not only for the stars either.

You can substitute some of the ingredients she uses in her diet to less expensive options. It is a great diet because you are not just drinking a liquid, you get to eat as well. You will feel better after just a week knowing that you have cleansed your body of all the toxins you ingested.

Why You Should Substitute White Foods for Whole Grain

With everyone being more nutritionally conscious nowadays, we decided to take a look at why more and more people are swapping white refined flour for wholegrain.

White Flour 

Everything that we remember as a child from buttery toast to our birthday cakes and muffins have always been made with white flour. In fact as adults when we taste these tastes again it’s just like being kids again. (Unless we had particularly nutritionally enlightened parents!) It’s no wonder that we have an addiction almost to these white flour goods but did you know how damaging these foods are to our delicate systems?

The thing with white / all purpose / enriched flour is that our bodies process it like sugar. Enriched sounds lovely but in reality the flour actually gets completely stripped of all its goodness during this process. Yes white bread and related products taste amazing but the actual flour is created by stripping the most nutritious parts of the wheat berry. In fact this is the only starch left in white flour. Not good!

 White flour and digestion

White flour is just no good for your digestion. The starch is digested mega quickly thus causing a spike in insulin production. This then throws your whole body out of balance and can create a whole host of problems. In fact with the constant fluctuation of blood sugar which manifests through eating white flour products you could be potentially setting yourself up for diabetes and weight problems too!

Whole Grain 

Whole grain and whole wheat flour is so much better for you than its white counterpart. This is due to the fact that whole wheat flour uses the whole wheat berry. This means that you are intaking all the goodness – the bran, the starch and the germ. When you eat the whole berry, there are no peaks and / or lows in insulin levels and your body stays healthy and balanced. Another great aspect of eating in this way is that you will stay full for longer than you would if you were eating white bread! No more rumbling tummies in the middle of the afternoon!

Whole grain is great for you if you have stomach and digestion difficulties and there are even studies to say that there is a link between whole grain and the prevention of cancer of the colon. When you buy your products always look for the word, “whole”. That way you know that you are getting the best; there are many brown products which don’t use the entire wheat berry and won’t be as good for you as “whole” products.

It might be hard in the first few months to wean your family, especially the youngsters off white bread and white flour products but over time it can be done. A trick is to make a half and half sandwich, half white bread and half whole grain, this will give your kids time to get used to the different taste and texture. It’s worth making the change for the health of both you and your family.

Eating whole grain foods instead of white foods is a great way to ensure your general nutrition levels remain healthy consistently.

Is Vinegar Weight Loss Real?

Visit any health food shop and you will most likely find apple cider vinegar supplements for sale there. This is because vinegar has long been touted as a weight loss remedy for centuries already, and apple cider vinegar is believed to be the safest and most effective since it contains many nutrients left over from the crushed apples it comes from. In fact, so many people are praising the positive effects of apple cider vinegar that you can pretty much buy supplements at any health store as well as nutrition sites on the Internet, all offering guarantees that apple cider vinegar can really help you lose weight. But is this true?

Fresh apple cider vinegar doesn’t contain any preservatives at all, and it is also free of fats and calories. This means taking apple cider vinegar won’t make you gain weight, and in fact using it often in place of other products that naturally contain fats and calories can help you lose weight. For example, using the vinegar instead of ranch or Thousand Island dressing on your salads will be far healthier, simply because ranch dressing and Thousand Island both contain fats and calories. This benefit alone is the only one proven real for all claims of apple cider vinegar weight loss, for despite the minerals and enzymes present in the liquid, there is no evidence that you can get more energy or experience faster metabolism by taking apple cider vinegar every day. The nutrients in the liquid come from fresh apples that are their source, so apple cider vinegar isn’t a magic beverage that can get rid of extra pounds immediately; rather it is a simple and healthy liquid that you can regularly take to help you enjoy a more nutritious diet.

Since the healthy practice of taking apple cider vinegar everyday can be the gateway to other good lifestyle habits like eating more leafy green vegetables and less fast food, you can say that apple cider vinegar can really help people dealing with obesity. The unique sour scent and acidic taste of the liquid can also make one feel full faster simply due to the strong flavor, and this natural appetite suppression can also lead to gradual weight loss.

Vinegar weight loss can be very effective for you, but only when paired with healthy diet changes like more fruits and vegetables and less canned and preserved food. When taken regularly, such as five tablespoons a day mixed with your meals and drinks, you will rarely experience any side effects at all. All in all, taking apple cider vinegar everyday is a far safer weight loss method to try when compared with strange treatments like the HCG diet, for HCG drops side effects don’t give any benefit whatsoever, whereas apple cider vinegar is a healthy and safe beverage you can enjoy everyday that can also help you lose weight.

Do Detox Patches Really Work?

A new clinical study discovered that health pads filled with Japanese vinegar and natural ingredients help promote good health. These health pads are also called detox patches and applied to the bottom of foot. It is a Japanese way of relieving stress and pain in the body which is quite effective with no side-effects. It is quite popular among them because it is very practical and easy to follow. Apparently, it works even when you are sleeping, and also helps in controlling your cholesterol levels. The most interesting part about these pads is that you can see the results next morning, which have doubtful reasoning.

What do They Look Like?

This is like an absorbent pad that has round edges which can be easily attached to your skin. Commonly these pads have bamboo vinegar, mushrooms and many Japanese herbs. They are usually applied underneath the foot overnight while you asleep. When the pads are removed in the morning, there is a black residue on the skin which should be the toxins that have been pulled out from the body.

How is it Believed to Work?

The feet are chosen for external application because this is advised by reflexology. Each organ system responds to a zone on the feet and these pads stimulate these zones overnight. However, if you have been caught by a scam in various spas that place your feet in a tub of water, then be assured that this technology has nothing to do with the scam. They usually placed your feet on the tub of salt water that was slightly charged to pull out the toxins, which eventually turned the water dark in color. This was only the result of the rust that was developing from the electrodes.

Is It True?

These foot pads, although may have good ingredients, have little or no effect on the outside of the body. The skin has pores on surface but they are not big enough to allow any kinds of toxins to surface out of the foot. It is a residue that is created by the vinegar that reacts to sweat or wet surfaces. They are not a complete scam but the advantages have been exaggerated. They will help extract some impurities from the body, but they are not as effective as any other detoxification diet can help. Instead they can clog your sweat pores and it can make your skin more prone to infections.

Unfortunately, those techniques that are cheap to produce are common tools for scams and they are always overrated like miracle treatments. It is important to know the extent of its usage and hence one should not be misled by expensive offers from different vendors. It is a technique that has grown old and better ways for detox have been discovered for our convenience.

Your liver is the best organ that can give your body a detox, and you can use the following means to improve your condition:

  • Lemon detox diet
  • Liver flush
  • Fasting


Jenny writes about detox foot pads, fatty liver treatment and other things related to liver health.

The Relationship Between Not Eating and Anger

<img style=”float: right;” title=”Angry Person” src=””Angry Person” width=”256″ height=”196″ />Do you know of anybody who is easily agitated, hostile, or most of the time angry?

Have you been around someone who is on a diet, especially those following fad diets or people who are on crash diets? Or maybe you’ve been with friends and family who missed eating meals …

If you answered yes to these questions, read on as you’ll be surprised. If you answered no on the other hand, try to be with someone who has missed breakfast, lunch or dinner, surely it’ll not take long before you finally say “now I understand”.

Now here’s interesting information for you.

According to a recent study, people who are hostile, people who are easily angered are most likely people with very low serotonin levels, and there is a big chance that they are like this because they missed eating a good full meal.

According to the study, people who do not eat are more prone to violence or aggression. This is because when serotonin levels are low, and this happens when a person has not eaten, controlling emotional responses to anger becomes more difficult.

So this explains why people who are on crash diets are most of the time irritable and are almost always “grumpy”; it’s the low serotonin in their system that’s causing it.

The study was done by the Cambridge University of Britain and was published in the journal Biological Psychiatry.

In the study, the diets of the volunteers were changed. Two appointed days were chosen and were given the names Serotonin Depletion Day and Placebo Day.

On the Serotonin Depletion Day, the volunteers were given a combination of amino acids which lacked tryptophan, the building block for serotonin. This had an effect similar to what happens when a person does not eat.

On the placebo day, the volunteers were given the same mixture but with a standard amount of tryptophan. This had an effect similar to what happens when a person eats.

The volunteers were then made to view images depicting facial expressions such as anger, sadness, and neutral expressions. While this was going on, the brains of the volunteers were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI. Through this exercise the researchers were able to measure how different brain regions responded to and communicated with each other.

<img style=”float: left;” title=”Balanced Diet” src=””Balanced Diet” width=”200″ height=”206″ />

The results showed that for volunteers with low brain serotonin, which happens when a person has not eaten, communication between the amygdala and the frontal lobes were weak. The opposite holds true when the volunteers’ serotonin levels were normal.

So to be able to control your emotional response to anger, eat regularly and healthily. Eating regularly and eating healthily will ensure a good level of serotonin, the key to controlling emotional responses to anger.

Guest Post by:

Siena Lombardi is an established writer for the Accessrx blog, where the exciting health news for the day is broken down. She hold a degree in communication and actively participates on the Accessrx website, which promotes safe medications online to USA customers.