Kore HCG Diet Review

The weight loss power of HCG was revealed by British physician A.T.W. Simeons during the 1950’s. Dr. Simeons discovered that the natural hormone found in pregnant woman can be used to attack abnormal fat which causes obesity. The way the hormone works is, once the female is pregnant HCG controls the woman’s metabolic functions. Which helps the body get rid of excess fat that the body may have.

Under numerous test conducted by Dr. Simeons, it’s been proven that HCG can be administered to non pregnant females as well as males. The hormone works efficiently when married with a very low calorie diet also known as a VLCD. The low calorie diet consists of eating only natural foods in addition to eliminating carbohydrates and sugars. In order to provide the best results patients were required to partake in the low calorie diet for optimal results. When followed correctly the test subjects saw results of 1 to 3 pounds of weight loss per day. Not only does the hormone provide superior weight loss capabilities, it acts as a hunger suppressant. Meaning, you won’t experience hunger while following the low calorie diet.

Dr. Simeons spent most of his professional career studying how the hormone interacts within our body. To further back his point of the benefits of HCG. A set of test patients participated in a low calorie diet without HCG. The results showed these patients experienced extreme hunger cravings, irritability, weakness and/or headaches.

Kore Sports Nutrition’s newest product Kore HCG Diet, harnesses the power of this hormone in the most convenient way to administer it. The Kore HCG diet allows dieters to take it orally. This gives dieters the ability to take advantage of this diet within the comforts of their homes. Previously the only method of taking HCG was through the form of injections. The thought of injecting one another with syringes has put some dieters off to the idea of the diet completely. If you are unsure how to use syringes opt for the diet drops. The incorrect use of HCG injections can result into bruising, soreness, or worst cases cysts around the injection site.

The Kore HCG Diet has proven to be just as effective as HCG injections. Buying HCG online hasn’t been anymore convenient then this. No doctor is needed to begin your weight loss journey. However, if you are unsure whether you should take HCG you should consult your health professional.

Identifying the Side Effects of ADHD Medications

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is medical health condition most common in children who manifest impulsive, unpredictable and distracted behaviors. The most prescribed treatment modality being used for ADHD is through drug stimulants compacted with amphetamine salts to curb the disorders symptoms. While these medications have been scientifically tested and proven to effectively bring relief to ADHD sufferers, these drugs have also exhibited numerous side effects that can be mild or severe in form.

ADHD Medications

A more recent type of prescription drug for ADHD patients is Adderall. It is a stimulant directly targeting the central nervous system to affect chemical impulses in the brain and nerves to curb hyperactivity. As with other stimulants, adderall side effects have also been documented. In fact, in 2005 Canadian medical regulators suspended sales of this drug’s once-daily variant as it has been suspected to be the culprit for 20 deaths. Though this is very rare, certain side effects that are less severe are common.

An older medication for ADHD is Ritalin which functions by increasing the supply of blood to the anterior part of the brain. Though it has the shortest time period efficacy, it has also documented its own share of adverse effects such as sleeplessness and the famous ritalin weight loss side effects.

Some of the most common side effects caused by ADHD Medications include:

Apparent Change in Appetite

A significant number of ADHD patients experience an alteration in their eating habits. A good advice to counter this negative effect and prevent patients from losing weight would be to have them eat a big breakfast before medication and a hefty dinner when the effects of the drug is slowly starting to wane.

Head Tensions

Persons undergoing medication treatments for ADHD are also susceptible to experience recurring headaches that could be attributed to the drugs “rebound effect”.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Other patients also complain from various gastrointestinal disorders such as stomach pains, constipation, gas and diarrhea. They typically happened during the onset but should disappear after a couple weeks of taking the medication.

Mood Shifts

While ADHD patients are trying to curb their hyperactivity and impulsiveness, some patients manifest behavioral changes upon starting new medications. These mood shifts are often very mild and normally happen when the drug effect is beginning to fade but if the behavioral changes become extreme, discuss it with your doctor as he may need to change your drug’s dosage.

Beginners Running Shoes

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Running is a popular choice for getting the exercise you need to be healthy and feel good. If you’ve recently decided to start running, good for you. Whether you’re running to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or it just makes you feel better, you’ll need a good pair of shoes to help you with your new hobby. Thankfully there is no shortage of shoes you can buy.

That’s the problem though: there are so many different kinds of shoes it can be very confusing to choose. The type of shoe you get depends on several things. One is the shape of your foot and the type of stride you have when running. For example, people with flat feet or low arches may need a special shoe to run comfortably. People with extra narrow or wide feet should look into a shoe like the New Balance shoes which come in these special sizes. Some people tend to roll their feet when they run. This motion, called overpronation, can make you more susceptible to injury. Getting a special shoe may help avoid this risk.

One great way to buy the proper running shoes is to go to a specialty store where somebody can analyze your stance and gait to determine what type of shoe you need. They can measure the arch of your foot, tell you whether you overpronate when you run, and even more. Once you know what type of shoe you need, the associates there can help fit you for a shoe. This fitting process is important since an improperly fitted shoe can cause blisters and other discomfort while running.

Another footwear option for those who want to burn more calories is a toning shoe. Shoes like the Easytone from Reebok can help you burn calories and tone your leg muscles by giving your feet a slightly unbalanced surface that they have to balance on.

Understanding and Coping with Teen Acne

Acne is a skin disorder that spares no one. It will inevitably affect all of us at any given time although the condition and severity may differ from one to the other. Acne can pose a very disheartening and discouraging situation for anyone, coping with acne has been a continuing battle for a large percentage of our population.

Acne in Teens

The young teen population has been shown to exhibit the most acne symptoms. Roughly 90% of our entire teenage populace will experience acne. As teenagers reach puberty, their body hormones starts to go haywire creating an imbalance that often results in acne. Acne, pimple or zit is not just limited to the face, as it can also manifests in other parts of the body such as the neck, back and chest.

Though acne nowadays can be hidden with a good concealer, this however does no treat the root of acne. Most teens suffering from acne undergo peer embarrassment as well as public ridicule that may result in anxiety, loss of self esteem and depressive disorder. Oftentimes, teenagers with severe acne become victims of bullying in school with chants of pizza or scar face incessantly thrown at them.

Acne during this highly sensitive period of early adulthood can cause much more damage than that just skin scarring, it can develop into emotional and psychological problems that are even harder to cure.

Treating Acne in Teens

As teens are more prone to sensitive skin, acne treatment can sometimes be very difficult. The regularly prescribed topical solutions that can work for adults may contain chemical that are too harsh for teen skin. There are different modalities in treating acne, one can go for the mainstream medication while others opt to seek the help of alternative medicine.

Conventional Acne Treatments

Acne solutions are often sold in most pharmaceutical and health stores in the form of soaps, topical ointments, cream or liquid solutions. Most of them contain tretinion, retinoids, glycolic or alpha hydroxy acids. At present however, there are no drugs that have passed and been approved by the FDA to address the causes of acne.

Alternative Acne Treatments

As more consumers re-connect with the old practice of alternative natural healing. Some parents have resorted to herbal medicines to help their teens cope with the problem of acne. Some of the herbs that exhibit properties for acne treatments include dandelion, tea tree oil, lavender as well as burdock roots. Herbs can be used as safer and effective home remedies for acne.

Talking to Teens about Acne

The most important step in helping teens cope with acne can be done through proper education. Let your teens understand that acne is experienced by almost everyone and that often it is a transient or passing stage that everyone in their teens have to experience. Educate them on the important of proper hygiene and healthy diet to help prevent acne.

Arm your teens with the pertinent information they would need to care for their skin at this very sensitive stage in their lives.

  • Helping Kids Manage Teen Acne (everydayhealth.com)

A Taboo Herbal treatment for migraines: Medical Marijuana

Migraines affect an estimated 20 percent of the population, and though the treatments are as diverse as the population that suffers from migraines, many are not appealing. The potential side effects from many prescription drugs can be far more severe than any migraine. On top of that, the long-term effects of these drugs are largely unknown. Many who do not like the Western approach to medicine have a number of alternative treatments available. Biofeedback, stress management, acupuncture, and massage have all been used as non-traditional migraine treatments with varying degrees of effectiveness. However, there is another less popular and somewhat taboo therapy in migraine headaches treatments: medical marijuana.

Marijuana is legal for medical use in thirteen states already, and has been approved for use in the treatment of migraines. The idea of medical marijuana is not new: many pharmaceutical companies have been using THC in their drugs for years. These drugs have been used to treat headaches, nausea, and migraines. One of the upsides of medical marijuana is that the effect is much faster than that of traditional drugs. Because the drug is inhaled, it enters the bloodstream faster. The effect is felt within minutes rather than hours. Aside from migraines, marijuana has been used to treat other conditions that cause acute and chronic pain, including terminally ill cancer patients.

There are downsides to medical marijuana as a form of migraine therapy. In order to be effective, marijuana should be smoked. The inhalation of smoke can actually cause migraines in some cases. In addition, the smoke can contain tar and carcinogens. There is equipment that simply heats the marijuana to the point where it releases THC in the form of a vapor. It is believed that this method contains less harmful chemicals and is safer for the patient. However, the fact that marijuana has been illegal for so long means that virtually no research has been conducted. The recent movement for the legalization of medical marijuana hopefully means that more can be found out about the drug. As of now, the testimonials from those who have used medical marijuana to treat migraines have been positive.