Should We Be Concerned About The Side Effects Of Natural Health Supplements?

‘Natural’ and ‘herbal’ health supplements are big business. With so many of us on a mission to be slim, fit and healthy, it seems as if a new weight loss or dietary supplement is entering the market each and every week. In most cases, the marketing for such supplements is based upon the ‘natural’ and ‘herbal’ aspects of the products, and we’re led to believe that because the packets are adorned with these words, that they’re safe.

However, this isn’t always true. ‘Herbal’ products are not subjected to the same levels of testing as those that are classed as medicines. This means that not only is there little to any proof that the products actually do what they claim, but that they also might incite unwanted side effects that could be unpleasant or even dangerous.

For example, one of the most renowned herbal supplements ‘St John’s Wort’ is in most cases, safe. St John’s Wort is used as a natural and supposedly safe antidepressant, yet it does have side effects, and it can interact with a number of other supplements or medicines, reducing the effectiveness of the product itself.

Ideally, in order to avoid experiencing negative side effects through any medicine, weight-loss or dietary supplement, consumers should deter from purchasing any products that are new to the market. The lack of official testing means that consumers will do better to wait until a product has been around for a length of time, and any side-effects have been reported by other users of the product.

Another example of a ‘natural’ product that has been around for some time is the acai berry. The berry has been available for purchase in supplement form for a number of years now, while the berries themselves have been utilised by tribes of the Amazon rainforest for thousands of years. It is because of this that we can safely conclude that acai berry side effects are few and far between.

However, like with many nutrient dense dietary supplements, acai berry side effects can occur if the product is consumed in too high a quantity, or in succession with other supplements such as a daily vitamin pill.

It is the vitamin pill that most people deem to be completely safe. However, when certain vitamins are consumed in too large quantities, side-effects can occur (sometimes serious ones), meaning that acai berry side effects and even vitamin pill side effects can occur if proper precautions are not taken.

For example, excessive consumption of Vitamin C can result in gastrointestinal problems, while Vitamin A can cause similar problems as well as drowsiness. Niacin (Vitamin B3) can cause stomach problems and headaches and should be avoided by people with liver disease. A regular or large overdose of iron can cause a loss of appetite, stomach upset as well as problems with the heart, liver and pancreas.

The above is merely a brief list of vitamins and the side effects that may be experienced if large quantities of said vitamin are consumed. With this in mind, it is important to consider that when taking any dietary supplement, whether it is something marketed as a weight loss supplement or just a simple vitamin pill that your body may react badly if it is taken in combination with other high vitamin foods or supplements.

For instance, while acai berry side effects are largely non-existent, it must be remembered that the berry contains a very high concentration of a number of vitamins, so acai berry side effects may occur if it is consumed in combination with a vitamin pill or similar dietary supplement.

This post was written by James Harper on behalf of Which Acai Berry? James writes on a number subjects including health, fitness and diet.

Can Weight Loss Supplements Work?

The weight loss industry is one of the most lucrative industries on the planet. Losing weight the natural way is difficult, and it’s human nature for us to choose the easy way out. It’s because of this that so many of us are willing to try almost any weight loss supplement that we are presented with, and despite the fact that the last 10 products we tried never lived up to the claims, we still believe the next one will.

The primary issue with over the counter weight loss supplements is that the companies which manufacture them only have to abide by very limited testing standards.

By choosing to consume an over the counter weight loss pill you are in many cases, effectively acting as a guinea pig. While it is very easy for a weight loss supplement to enter the open market, it can be as easily withdrawn should any detrimental side effects come to light. However for some unfortunate consumers, this could be too late.

In order to avoid consuming a product that won’t work, or is simply downright dangerous, it’s advisable to steer clear of any supplements that are new to the market. Why it might be tempting to try a new ‘miracle’ herb that has just been discovered at the top of the Himalayan Mountains, the validity of the claims made will be sketchy at best, or at worst, just downright lies.

Instead, determined dieters should choose supplements that have been on the market for a number of years, and for which trustworthy reviews and ideally, scientific backing, can be found.

For example, acai berry weight loss supplements, while surrounded by masses of controversy, are safe and through much consumer testing, have been demonstrated to assist in weight loss. However ‘assist’ is the important word here, since it is far from a miracle product, and will only help if used sensibly, in combination with exercise and a balanced, low calorie diet.

The main benefit of acai berry weight loss supplements is that they are very high in fibre, so can help the body to feel full for longer. They can also help to boost energy levels, increasing motivation and ability to exercise.

Another over the counter weight loss supplement that is proven to work is Alli. The reason consumers can trust this product is that it is a slightly modified version of the prescription drug orlistat (xenical), meaning that it has been through the process of official medical testing.

Alli works by reducing the amount of fat that the body absorbs. However, fat is then removed from the body in an incredibly unpleasant manner and due to this fact there are many people for which Alli will not suit their lifestyle.

Ephedra is an ingredient in many weight loss supplements that again, does actually work. However, as part of the amphetamine family it is also very dangerous. It raises the heart rate while also restricting the blood vessels – the perfect recipe for a heart attack.

Ephedra works by significantly reducing the appetite. Therefore if the dangers associated with its consumption aren’t enough to put people off, perhaps the fact that once use of the drug is ceased the weight will pile right back on, will. Therefore, while ephedra technically does work, it will not be effective in the long term, and could in the meantime cause significant side effects.

With all these points in mind the general consensus is what we all knew anyway, that diet and exercise are the only real way to go. There is no reliability in new products (at best they will be a waste of money, at worst – well, no one knows), and most which have been proven to be affective are so at a risk.

Without trying to sound like I’m praising the acai berry too much, acai berry weight loss supplements are one of the few products that can assist with weight loss without incurring other risks. However acai berry weight loss supplements are only effective to an extent, and are worth taking for their health giving properties as much as their assistance in weight loss.


This post was written by James Harper on behalf of Which Acai Berry? James writes on a number of subjects including health, fitness and diet.

Regular Drinking of Fish Oil Supplements Will Keep You Free from Diseases!

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There are many nutritional requirements that our body are unable to produce. In order to avail of these essential substances, we have to get them from outside sources. One of these is Omega-3. And the only way we can get these is by eating fruits and vegetables. But there’s even a better way of obtaining these essential body nutrients. It is by eating fish. Not just any fish but deep seas fishes or fatty fishes.

But how much fish do we have to eat in order to get the protein requirements our body needs? Two helpings weekly will amply supply our fish protein requirements. But if we want to be sure of our Omega-3 requirements, it’ll help immensely if we also drink fish oil supplements.

Our body is full of toxins. These can trigger the production free radical inside us. The destructive power of free radicals cannot be underestimated. They are responsible for almost all the health problems we encounter. They are very active and unstable substances which have special attraction to oxygen.

Because they don’t have oxygen, they go after our cells like hungry lions tearing their helpless preys. If we can’t check their progress, our body will show their effects by manifesting signs and symptoms of some of the most serious diseases known to man such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular abnormalities, and more.

Omega-3 has the power to reverse these effects if we can catch them at their earlier stages. But why wait till they’re upon us. Drinking fish oil supplements regularly is the wisest thing to do. Get your daily dose of Omega-3 and keep yourself and your family safe from free radicals.

Omega-3 which is abundantly found in fish oil supplements has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants when present in large amount will destroy the free radicals like dousing water on a fire. But not enough water is unable to put out fire effectively. It’s the same with antioxidants. Drinking an initial 500 mg a day will be good beginning. And later on increase it to 100- mg. daily. These will effectively protect your body from the ill effects of free radicals.

But you have also to do your part. Keep a healthy lifestyle. Eat the right kinds of foods and find time to exercise. Don’t abuse your body by excessive smoking and drinking. If you’re not careful, no amount of Omega-3 will be able to help you.

Fish oil with Omega-3 will also help you how to lose weight because of their cleansing power. They remove fats from the body the same way they eradicate the free radicals from it.

Quick-Loss Acai Burn – Secret of the Amazon

Quick-Loss Acai Burn – Secret of the Amazon

Acai Berry is the #1 superfood available today. From the Amazon Rain Forest, Acai Berry contains levels of antioxidants not found in any other natural product. It’s exploding flavor, rich antioxidants, and powerful nutritional value makes Acai the most popular diet pill. With more protein than an egg, amino acids, minerals, and valuable fatty acids, everyone is finding benefits in taking Acai Berry.

Acai Burn Benefits

There are a couple different Acai Berry products available on the market today. AcaiBurn is the world’s most extreme women’s weight loss solution. AcaiBurn offers … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Quick-Loss Acai Burn – Secret of the Amazon

Acai Berry is the #1 superfood available today. From the Amazon Rain Forest, Acai Berry contains levels of antioxidants not found in any other natural product. It’s exploding flavor, rich antioxidants, and powerful nutritional value makes Acai the most popular diet pill. With more protein than an egg, amino acids, minerals, and valuable fatty acids, everyone is finding benefits in taking Acai Berry.

Cytomax Acai Berry (Photo credit: [email protected])

Acai Burn Benefits

There are a couple different Acai Berry products available on the market today. AcaiBurn is the world’s most extreme women’s weight loss solution. AcaiBurn offers benefits that you will find very useful above other weight loss supplements. With Acai Burn you will feel healthy and vibrant, lose unwanted weight, and boost your energy levels. And now for a limited time you can get a free trial of this great product.

Acai Berry Free Trial

A one month supply of Acai Burn is available as a trial for you to see for yourself how great this weight loss and antioxidant product is. All you pay is a small shipping and handling fee. Take 1 capsule of Acai Burn twice a day before breakfast and lunch. Make sure to take adequate water daily while taking the supplement and make sure to only take to capsules during the day.


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Losing Weight with Acai Berry Extract

Losing Weight with Acai Berry Extract

There have been some recent studies and reports about the benefits of Acai Berry Extract including weight loss, increased energy levels, cleansing, and detoxification. This all natural product from the Amazon rain forest is taken from the Acai Palm trees and converted to extract form to be exported around the world. Only recently with the assistance of new studies and media spokesmen such as Oprah Winfrey have the benefits become obvious to the developed countries.

Acai Berry Superfood

The healthy ingredients in Acai Berry make it a superfood as labeled by Dr. Oz (Dr. … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Losing Weight with Acai Berry Extract

There have been some recent studies and reports about the benefits of Acai Berry Extract including weight loss, increased energy levels, cleansing, and detoxification. This all natural product from the Amazon rain forest is taken from the Acai Palm trees and converted to extract form to be exported around the world. Only recently with the assistance of new studies and media spokesmen such as Oprah Winfrey have the benefits become obvious to the developed countries.

English: Oprah Winfrey at the White House for the 2010 Kennedy Center Honors (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Acai Berry Superfood

The healthy ingredients in Acai Berry make it a superfood as labeled by Dr. Oz (Dr. Mehmet Oz) on the Oprah Winfrey Show. It’s abundance of fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants is an incredible and needed supplement to the average diet which lacks many of these necessary natural fuels. Fight off disease by giving your body what it needs for longevity and health.

Lose Weight

And losing weight with Acai Berry is easier because of its ability to decrease your appetite and increase the amount of calories your body burns. These are the two essential steps to weight loss, burning more calories and taking in less. And the increased levels of energy that you will experience will provide the boost you have been looking for to get to the gym and workout longer when at the gym.

Acai Berry Nutritional Value

Acai Berry Nutritional Value

Under study most recently has been the freeze-dried variety of Acai Berry as it is readily available outside of Brazil. An 100g combination of skin and pulp displayed the following characteristic according to the studies done to date: Close to 530 calories, 52 g of carbohydrates with 44 g being fiber, 8 g of protein, and near 33 g of fat. A number of amino acids and vitamins are also contained in the superfood including oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and iron. The high fiber content and amino acids makes … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Acai Berry Nutritional Value

Under study most recently has been the freeze-dried variety of Acai Berry as it is readily available outside of Brazil. An 100g combination of skin and pulp displayed the following characteristic according to the studies done to date: Close to 530 calories, 52 g of carbohydrates with 44 g being fiber, 8 g of protein, and near 33 g of fat. A number of amino acids and vitamins are also contained in the superfood including oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and iron. The high fiber content and amino acids makes the berry a very good nutrient.

OMG! this was the BEST!!! (Photo credit: CRASH:candy)

Antioxidants Abound

The real special quality of Acai Berry and the juice made from Acai is the high antioxidant properties. The white variety of the Acai Berry did not show antioxidant value in studies performed. But the purple berry was excellent, good, and poor against three different kind of free radicals. Peroxyl radicals were best relieved from taking an Acai Berry supplement.

In a comparative study of three commercially available Acai juices preformed by a Promgranate producer, Promgranate proved to be a better antioxidant. The Acai Berry products matched the quality of black cherry and cranberry while outscoring orange and apple juices. Therefore it is necessary to make sure the Acai Berry products that you are purchasing have a good ORAC score.