When people are looking to improve upon their physique or just maintain an already refined physique, it is always best to have Adjustable dumbbell sets. There are many different brands of adjustable dumbbell sets from the bowflex selecttech 552 dumbbells to powerbock dumbbells, that will each provide their own benefits and variable amounts of weight. While there has been tons of great advances in exercise equipments over the years, the adjustable dumbbell sets could be one of the most important.
The first sets of adjustable dumbbells to take a look at are actually square in shape, they are the Powerblock Classic 50lb. set. These sets of Powerblock Classic Dumbbells can replace up to nine different pairs of dumbbells. The set uses weights that begin at a basic 5 lbs. and move all the way up to 50lbs., in five pound increments. Each adjustable weight comes color coded, which makes it easy to set the weight of the dumbbells for optimal usage.
One of the more popular names in exercise equipment today is Bowflex, which brings to us the Bowflex Select Tech 52.5lb. Dumbbell’s. This sets of dumbbells comes in weight increments of 2.5lbs., starting at 5lbs. and ending at 52.5 lbs. of weight. This set of dumbbells can replace up to fifteen sets of dumbbells, but unlike the Powerblock Classic dumbbells, they are not color coded.
For those looking for a good set of dumbbells at an affordable rate, take a look at the Cap Barbell 40lb. Dumbbell Set. This set of dumbbells easily resembles the old school or classic look of past dumbbells, while being tough and durable for everyday usage. This set of dumbbells also comes packed with a rack system, for easy storage when the dumbbells are not being used.
As you can see about, there are many adjustable dumbbell sets for one to take advantage of, with the selection being practically unlimited.
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