Rapid Weight Loss with hCG Drops and the hCG Injections Diet

Some critics dismiss the hCG injections diet as the latest in a never-ending stream of fad diets, but if nothing else, it’s a diet with staying power. HCG weight loss programs have been around since the 1950s, ever since Dr. A.T.W. Simeons observed that obese patients given small amounts of the hormone on a daily basis would lose up to and over 30 pounds per month.

This might seem too good to be true, but it should be noted that the hormone’s main function is to act as an appetite suppressant that allegedly enables dieters to maintain a 500-calorie-per-day food allotment. If they can genuinely comply with eating such a small amount of food on a continual basis, rapid weight loss should be no surprise.

While the FDA approved hCG decades ago, the agency takes a strong position against its use as a diet supplement. They require hCG products to carry a disclaimer noting that the hormone has not been proven to reduce appetite, dissolve fat deposits or accelerate weight loss. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, produced in women in early stages or pregnancy, was approved by the FDA as a fertility drug.

Pure HCG drops (undiluted oral supplements) and injections are only available with a prescription, but homeopathic hCG drops can be purchased legally due to the extremely high dilution. HHCG drops are almost all water and no hormone. This accounts for the placebo effect that critics cite as one of the most frequent hCG diet dangers: compliance with Simeons’ Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) has less to due with HHCG’s potency as an appetite suppressant that the dieter’s belief in it. It can hardly be argued that the key weight loss factor is the low amount of food being consumed.

HCG injections within a weight loss clinic setting are the safest, most highly recommended program to take for anyone considering this diet. Patients spend three to five weeks, depending on their budget, receiving daily injections, then must quit the diet and the injections for a minimum of six weeks before resuming the program in order to prevent them from becoming immune to hCG. Regardless of whether or clinical setting is utilized, it’s essential to consult a doctor before embarking on a low-calorie hCG diet.

HCG Diet Dangers and Complications

Recently, the weight loss world has seen a reemergence of the hcg weight loss system that was developed in the 1950’s and peaked in the 70’s. Although it is once again being seen as a realistic way to slim down, dieters should be cautious. There are many claims made by this diet that have not been backed by any clinical data and there are side-effects that far outweigh any weight loss achieved.

Occurring naturally, HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women. This hormone stimulates the body of a pregnant woman to release fat stores and it is the idea of this diet that using HCG will do the same to the dieter’s body and enable their body to function on fewer daily calories. The final result would be significant weight loss and lowered body fat. This seems like the ideal program, but HCG diet dangers make it a risk for the dieter.

One such danger is a lack of statistical proof to support this fad’s claims. Although numerous trials have been conducted, none of the tests showed any significant loss in weight or hunger. Also, the long-term complications of using this hormone have yet to be discovered.

Limiting dieters to a mere 500 calories per day is another problem with this system. This is less than 14 percent of the average amount consumed by adults. HCG does not replace these lost calories and therefore the dieter can experience a drastically slower metabolism. This lack of caloric intake also puts the participant at risk for malnutrition and other serious complications.

While HCG diet plans could potentially help with weight loss, the negative side-effects and lack of thorough research on the hormone itself leaves much to be desired for now. Until data issues are resolved and the calories lost each day are able to be replaced, traditional diet plans and exercise are still a safer, and more effective, route to achieve weight loss goals.

The Kettlebell Workout And the HCG Diet: Two Ways to Stay in Shape

Every year, people around the world try to increase their happiness by losing weight or staying in shape. Two ways to reach your goals follow.

The HCG Diet

A somewhat controversial solution to weight gain around your thighs, buttocks, and hips, the HCG diet is a popular way to control appetite and lose weight. This diet was first studied over 50 years ago these days it is gaining in popularity around the world. While following the complete protocol more than once may be recommended for extreme weight loss, following this diet for a short period of time can be surprisingly effective in shedding pounds.

HCG is a hormone produced in large quantities by pregnant women that greatly increases fat burning. Dieters must start taking HCG through injections or oral drops during the first phase, then greatly restrict calories for up to 40 days during phase 2. The original protocol recommends eating no more than 500 calories per day during this period. After phase 2, dieters must slowly increase their calories over 21 days to let the metabolism recover.

Kettlebell Workout

Another way to kickstart metabolism and shed pounds is starting a kettlebell workout. The kettlebell is a type of weight, shaped like a kettle (more or less), that can be a phenomenal tool in your weight loss arsenal. Using a kettlebell can build muscle all over the body. These workouts can also get your heart pumping in a very short amount of time. Experts recommend starting with no less than 12 lbs., even for women keep this guideline in mind before you buy your first kettlebell.

A kettlebell workout is so effective because muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat. That means that every pound of muscle you add will passively increase your basal metabolic rate. Body recomposition (shifting from fat to toned, sleek muscle) should follow in no time.

Exercise Bike Reviews and the York C102 Cycle – Great for Helping With a Weight Loss Program

I recently decided to buy an exercise bike to help me lose weight and burn the extra calories I seemed to have accumulated around the Christmas period.  All that good food and sitting around had taken its toll!  The reason I decided to use an exercise bike was because I have joined gyms in the past, and have usually ended up wasting my monthly membership fees as I struggle to motivate myself to actually go.

There are many exercise bike reviews on the web that pointed me towards using an upright stationary exercise bike.  Upright versions tend to help you not only do your lower half, but also works your upper body a lot better than recumbent exercise bikes do.

Why I chose the York Fitness C102 cycle

I ended up choosing a York C102 exercise bike as it was affordable and very compact.  I don’t have huge amounts of room at home as I live in an apartment.  I have managed to store it in a cupboard so it doesn’t get in the way.  As far as cheap spinning bikes go this has really good reviews and feedback online which helped me to select it.

I love using it though, and one of the best features is the LCD Computer display over the handlebars.  This lets me see how many calories I have burnt off plus the distance and speed I have travelled.

Helps me to motivate myself to lose weight

For someone not great at motivating myself, having this data at my fingertip has helped as I now set myself daily targets to beat, which encourages me to get back in the saddle. I am now managing to churn out 10 miles a day on my York C102 cycle.

You might think this would be boring, but York Fitness put a small magazine holder above the handlebars.  I tend to cycle when I get home from work and either watch television as I go or put my latest book in the holder and read that instead.  I now know that exercise doesn’t have to be boring.

In terms of resistance – in other words how hard you have to pedal – there are eight difficulty levels.  So I can start off with a leisurely cycle, and then after a bit of time pretend I am attacking a steep hill.  It’s really painful – but they do say “no pain no gain” and using my exercise bike is proof of that!

Have I managed to lose any weight?

It’s taken me two months, but in that time I’ve lost nearly twelve pounds.  The great thing is, it has been fun doing it and I’ve been able to use my exercise bike in the privacy of my own home and at my own pace.  There’s not much effective exercise that tends to be that straight forward so I would thoroughly recommend you do the same.  Try out an exercise bike and see if it can help you.

Two Tips to Help You Lose Weight and Still Eat Out

One of the biggest stumbling blocks that people run into when they try to lose weight is how to eat in a restaurant. Sure, you may know the answer to, “How many calories should I eat a day to lose weight?” but it isn’t solve the problem of applying that knowledge to a difficult setting. It is unrealistic to expect you to never eat another meal in a restaurant, so it is important that you learn how to eat out and still eat healthy. In order to help maximize your weight loss efforts, the following tips have been provided.

Instead of choosing a traditional side order of potatoes, rice, or pasta, ask for extra vegetables instead. The simple carbohydrates found in these sides are the bane of any serious weight loss effort, as the body very easily converts them to fat. When found in a restaurant, they will also usually be filled with butter and salt, which makes them taste great, but also makes them even more unhealthy. In order to provide you with a contrast, a large serving of steamed vegetables may contain less than a hundred calories.

As soon as you receive your meal, as for a box or doggie bag. Before you take even a single bite, pack away half of your meal and put it away. The conditioning to clean our plates can be quite strong, no matter how much food has been piled onto it. Restaurant portions also tend to be quite large, so this is a guaranteed formula for overeating. Eating portions that are far too large is the single most common reason why eating out creates problems for people who are trying to lose weight.

You don’t have to give up on losing weight just because you have to eat in a restaurant. While it is certainly more difficult, there are many different things you can do to cut down on your calories and still eat a healthy diet. Diets that work need to take everything into account, and will not work for long if they require you to consume all of your food at home.

Weight Loss Strategies For Young And Old

People of all ages try to lose weight.  Overweight youngsters will consider weight loss in Nashville, TN, to be able to compete with their skinny peers, while their grandparents seriously think about shedding a few pounds to improve their health. The reasons to lose weight are plentiful and so are the techniques dieters use to reach their goal.

Weight loss in Nashville can be quite challenging unless you are familiar with all your options.  You can try losing weight on your own, or you can consult with a center specializing in comprehensive medically supervised weight loss solutions. Either way, be prepared to change your eating habits and increase physical activity.

  1. Doctors, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, counselors and dieticians will all urge you to set realistic goals. Do not lose 20 pounds at once, but start with five. Once you have lost that weight, you can continue on… slowly.
  2. Realize that losing weight and keeping it off is not just about dieting. It is about creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
  3. Create an exercise plan you feel comfortable with. Do not try to become a weightlifter when you prefer riding a bike – no matter what your best friend says. Start your exercise regime and stick with it. Take it slow and work your way up. Try to incorporate exercise any time you can. Use the stairs instead of the elevator and park your car at the far edge of the shopping mall parking lot instead of at the entrance doors.
  4. Learn about the different food groups and what they can do for you. Dieting does not always mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. Sometimes adjusting the portions is enough. Some ingredients can often be substituted by less calorie-rich foods.
  5. You can also improve weight loss in Nashville by consulting with weight loss specialists. By determining and eliminating the cause for your overeating, it will be a lot easier to regain a slim and trim figure.