My Best Diet That Works: Adkins and the Dukan Diet

After the birth of my son I needed to lose a lot of weight.  I am embarrassed to say I gained almost 80 pounds during my pregnancy and it is now time to take it off.  I figured that once I was done nursing the weight would melt away, but that is not what has happened.  Initially I lost about 40 pounds, but now I still have 40 more to go.  I have been on the search for the best diets that work.  I think I have tried them all.  I tried the Atkins diet, the dukan diet plan, Weight Watchers and even tried Nutrisystem.  What follows is my experience with them all.

The Atkins diet was easy to stick to, but the problem was if I cheated for even a little bit, all of the weight I had lost came right back on in spades!  I liked the fact that I could eat bacon and cheese, but the calories I was consuming were astronomical.  This diet did not work for me.

The dukan diet plan was doable.  I didn’t eat as many high fat proteins and I liked the variety of the different stages.  I also like the oat bran pancakes I was allowed to eat.  I lost a little weight on this and I liked it.

Nutri system was expensive and the food tasted awful.  You are suppose to eat fresh vegetables and a salad along with the pre-packaged foods, but all in all it was not worth it. I lost five pounds in a month, but I couldn’t see this being a long term experience for me.

Weight watchers was a winner for me.  It taught me how to eat in a way that was sustainable.  I liked learning how to cook with healthy foods and what ideal portions were.  When I got lazy, I liked that I could pull out a frozen meal that was pretty tasty.  I ended up losing about 20 pounds on weight watchers and it is now a way of life for me.

Tired of the Dieting Merry Go Round

Truth be told, I am not highly motivated when it comes to dieting. I have a very successful career and a wonderful family, but I have been battling weight issues for the past ten years. I enjoy eating, but I also want to enjoy activities that I used to when I was younger.

I have randomly tried diets ranging from the Atkins to Body For Life. I found that I was motivated for a week or two at the most. I disliked counting calories and only able to select limited food items when eating out. Grocery shopping was also frustrating. I didn’t like purchasing food just for me and other food items for my family. I was cooking two separate meals every day.

I finally found an Asheville weight loss program that was ideal for my unique situation. It was a medically supervised weight program that taught me not only to lose weight, but to control my weight. I was able to learn about my body and what caused my weight loss – including the physical and mental aspects. I came to a realization that stress and other factors, besides food, were affecting my ability to stay focused on my weight loss goals. I also felt more confidence in the program since it was designed by medical professionals and customized to meet my specific needs.

More importantly, through a dedicated counselor, I was able to find the continued desire to maintain the program and also motivate my family to get involved. Attempting to diet alone was always difficult, but now I have a support group that is willing to help me reach my goals. Unlike many of the fad diets that are built as a single solution for everyone, a medically controlled weight loss solution was built around me and my unique needs.

Understanding The Real Benefits and Drawbacks Of The South Beach Diet

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Today, the South Beach Diet has turned into a lifestyle method of healthy eating for an incredible number of Americans.  The South Beach Weight loss program is split up into three phases.  The South Beach diet plan is a well known temporary quick weight loss diet coupled with a continued calorie-controlled diet.  The second phase from the South Beach Weight loss program is where you will lose your weight.

The South Beach Diet was made by Dr Agatston, a cardiologist of Miami and diet professional Marie Almon.  The South Beach diet continues to be incredibly popular just because a large amount of people discover it’s simple to use and to follow.

Due to this, the South Beach Diet is sometimes known as a modified low-carb diet.  By eliminating all carbs in the diet for 2 weeks, the South Beach weight loss program states that reduces insulin resistance.  The South Beach diet rely on eating ‘good’ fats and carbs.

The South Beach Weight loss program is all of the craze nowadays.  It’s not quantitative about carbohydrate counts.  The South Beach Weight loss program is full of vegetables, whole grain products and beans.

My knowledge about South Beach Diet is only not so amazing in contrast.  The South Beach weight loss program is relatively recent, with no independent scholarly studies have been done onto it.  The worst part concerning the South Beach weight loss program is the false promise about being healthful for the cardiovascular system.

The South Beach Weight loss program is rapidly substituting Weight Watchers like an established brand with regards to weight reduction products.  However, the South Beach Diet has numerous rules of slimming down which are not the same as the Weight Watchers program. This diet is much more balanced than, say, the Atkins one.  Numerous people think that the South Beach Diet is much better than the Atkins one.

The drawbacks from this diet come from:

  • This diet is extremely demanding for people who are familiar with carb-rich diets
  • The dietary plan can function to be rather expensive and time intensive
  • Lapsing into old diet plan may lead to speedy putting on weight.

The dietary plan will need a lot of willpower, especially from carb-lovers. There’s always the risk of lapsing back to old diet plan and increasing carb intake without realising it. Dr. Agatston suggests that dieters that do lapse and wind up putting a few of the weight back on should instantly switch to phase one for a short period to be able to lose the surplus weight again.

So you? What do you think? Will it be suitable for you to follow a short-term weight loss program? Do you think you’ll be respecting its long term diet regime forever?

Prof. G. Puglisi MD contributes articles for the healthy eating blog, a blog 100% dedicated to aid people learn how to eat healthy and learn to cook delicious Mediterranean diet recipes.