Everyone wants to lose weight, but most of us do not know how to lose it the right way. Gwyneth Paltrow has come up with a great detox diet that is sure to work. The best part about this diet is that you do not have to stick to just drinking juice, you get to eat as well.
The Gwyneth Paltrow cleanse detox diet is great for those of us who do not like to cook heavy meals. All you need for this diet is simple ingredients, and of course a food processor. You need to blend as you go, this is to ensure that what you are drinking is fresh. You will drink this juice twice a day, with the third meal being some sort of salad mixture.
A detox diet is used to not only help you lose weight, but get rid of all the junk stored up in your colon over the years. You can lose a potential ten pounds or more in as little as a week. This is a great diet for people to cleanse their bodies, and start a regular exercise regiment. The Gwyneth Paltrow cleanse detox diet is not only for the stars either.
You can substitute some of the ingredients she uses in her diet to less expensive options. It is a great diet because you are not just drinking a liquid, you get to eat as well. You will feel better after just a week knowing that you have cleansed your body of all the toxins you ingested.