Recently, the weight loss world has seen a reemergence of the hcg weight loss system that was developed in the 1950’s and peaked in the 70’s. Although it is once again being seen as a realistic way to slim down, dieters should be cautious. There are many claims made by this diet that have not been backed by any clinical data and there are side-effects that far outweigh any weight loss achieved.
Occurring naturally, HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women. This hormone stimulates the body of a pregnant woman to release fat stores and it is the idea of this diet that using HCG will do the same to the dieter’s body and enable their body to function on fewer daily calories. The final result would be significant weight loss and lowered body fat. This seems like the ideal program, but HCG diet dangers make it a risk for the dieter.
One such danger is a lack of statistical proof to support this fad’s claims. Although numerous trials have been conducted, none of the tests showed any significant loss in weight or hunger. Also, the long-term complications of using this hormone have yet to be discovered.
Limiting dieters to a mere 500 calories per day is another problem with this system. This is less than 14 percent of the average amount consumed by adults. HCG does not replace these lost calories and therefore the dieter can experience a drastically slower metabolism. This lack of caloric intake also puts the participant at risk for malnutrition and other serious complications.
While HCG diet plans could potentially help with weight loss, the negative side-effects and lack of thorough research on the hormone itself leaves much to be desired for now. Until data issues are resolved and the calories lost each day are able to be replaced, traditional diet plans and exercise are still a safer, and more effective, route to achieve weight loss goals.
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