Detox Drinks Help Cleanse Your Digestive System

A great way to bring yourself out of a funk and get your energy back is to try a detox drink. There are many different types of detox drinks available and you can either purchase a ready-made drink, a mix or mix up your own concoction.

Colon cleansing, or detox, is touted by many individuals as the way to rid your body of waste products that build up in the digestive tract. These people claim that the waste build-up causes problems from lack of energy to diarrhea and constipation. They claim that by clearing this waste from the body, a person will experience an overall improvement in health and energy levels will increase.

Cleaning out your system requires strict adherence to a diet rich in fiber and limited to mostly fresh fruits and vegetables and all-natural juices. Ingredients such as carrots, ginger, fennel, basil, lemon, and celery are consumed either raw, juiced or mixed into the best detox drinks. Sugar, fats and processed ingredients need to be avoided in order to achieve detoxification.

Many people begin a detox program with a glass of warm water and lemon juice on the first morning. This stimulates the body and prepares it for what is to come. A detox program can last anywhere from several days to a month or more. This type of program is a great way to start a new diet. It quickly removes toxins, sugars and fats from the body and prepares the stomach to be satisfied with smaller portions of food.

Simplifying your diet by eating all natural foods raw allows your digestive system to rest and rejuvenate itself. This will improve skin tone and texture, brighten your disposition and even make you lose weight or improve muscle tone. Detox drinks help the body to heal itself from within.

Making The Liquid Diet Weight Loss Plan An Interesting Treat

Do you know that you can make your liquid diet weight loss plan interesting? Contrary to what a lot of people believe, this diet does not limit your food intake to water, soups, and shakes alone. There are a lot of great things you can do with this diet to make it friendly to your palate.

For one, beverages do not always need to be plain water. You can play on other beverages such as milkshakes, tea, cocoa, coffee, and milk drinks. You can also experiment on fruit juices such as apples, strawberries, oranges, bananas, melons, and pineapples. You have the option to puree them, blend them, or strain their nectar especially when speaking of lemons and oranges. In fact, you can even combine plain yogurt with your favorite fruits in a blender for a very nourishing and yummy treat that you can include in this diet. They are not just delicious treats but they will also work as great appetite suppressants.

On the other hand, when speaking of soups, you do not have to go for cheese and potato based soups alone.  You can puree other vegetables for your soup or you can use meat or fish stock sprinkled with herbs for this diet. Different canned soups can also be heated and can instantly serve as a good treat for your liquid diet.

What is even better news for you is that this diet does not take you away from tempting desserts. You can always enjoy custard, gelatin, fruit ice pops, plain puddings, ice creams, and sherbets. Only make sure that these desserts are plain and do not have nuts, seeds, or fruit pieces.

A liquid diet is not the plain and boring diet you once thought of before. With simple creativity in the food preparations, you can make sure you will finish this kind of diet without the feeling of being too hard on yourself. Good luck!

Why Health Drinks Are Effective

Americans have terrible drinking habits. They lead the world in soda consumption and every time you drink just one can of soda your chances of obesity increase at around 1.6%. People turn to sodas and modern energy drinks like Red Bull, because they taste so good, but also because they are full of caffeine and provide needed sources of energy bursts. What most realize people don’t realize, is that with a little bit of practice they can kick they’re “quick pick-me-up” type energy drinks for healthier, energy sustaining juices and green drinks.

Your body needs raw food. Green drinks and fresh juices can provide this for them. Health drinks are so effective in giving you energy because your body absorbs vitamins and minerals from liquid much quicker and better than it does from food. This is why drinking vegetable juice (juicing it yourself would be the most effective) is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body.

Unlike fruit juice, vegetable juice doesn’t raise your insulin levels (although that is not a reason to stop drinking fruit juice), however there are some exceptions like carrots and beets. This gives vegetable juice the slight edge over fruit juice when it comes to health drinks. Vegetable and fruit drinks also are more effective in sustaining energy because they allow your body to obtain the sugars its needs in a more natural way – the way your body was designed to receive these sugars. Some of the most healthy drinks you can drink come from juicing vegetables like lettuce and cabbage, and even though they may not taste good at first, they are like coffee in the regard that they are a required taste.

Vegetable and fruit juices are famous for having many different kinds of antioxidants that help prevent all sorts of diseases and cancers. Low sodium tomato juice is one of the healthiest things you can drink and it fights all types of cancers like pancreatic, oral, stomach, lung, cervical, breast, and esophageal. These antioxidants also help give you body energy and many of them are present in healthy energy drinks like FRS and Monavie, as well as all sorts of fruit and vegetable drinks. Many health drinks include things like B vitamins that help jump-start your body in a more natural way as well as help protect you from coronary heart disease. If you are drinking vegetable or fruit juice, your body will never have to worry about a lack of malnutrition or lack of vitamins.

Switching to health drinks will benefit your body in many ways. You will be able to lose unneeded weight, and you will actually find yourself having more energy throughout the day than you would if you drank energy drinks full of sugar and caffeine. Caffeine and sugar are healthy for your body, but not at the doses that today’s energy drinks make available to you. Health drinks are effective and energizing, and there is an endless supply of healthy drinks out there!

This article was written by Philip Rudy. Philip helps to run and maintain, which is a company that provides healthy energy drinks.

Can Coffee Cut a Woman’s Stroke Risk?

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There are millions of women around the world who enjoy their “cup of Joe” everyday. In fact, life would be quite difficult for many of us if we stopped drinking coffee. Coffee is the preferred choice of beverage for many people to jump start their day. Coffee seems to have 2 things going for it. It tastes great and it has caffeine. Well now you can add a third ingredient and that would be medicinal properties! Yes, who would ever have thought that chugging down that black colored aromatic liquid is also good for you!

Most food products will have vitamins and minerals, where as others will have medicinal value. This is why food has been categorized into nutritious and functional. Nutritious foods are the ones that have all the vitamins and minerals, where as functional foods will have medicinal qualities, such as garlic, various herbs etc. Now Coffee has been added to the list of functional foods! This is because contrary to what was believed before, coffee contains certain compounds which help with the maintenance of the human body. In fact each time a person drinks a cup of coffee, they are reducing the risk of many diseases. This is especially true for women.

However, there is a catch. The amount of coffee consumed should be in moderation. By moderation it is meant by 1to 3 cups a day. Studies were done on nearly 80,000 women and it was found that women, who drank moderate amounts of coffee, had approximately 20 percent less chance to suffer strokes or hear t related diseases. For women, the benefits of drinking coffee do not stop there. Research has also shown that women who regularly drink coffee show slower signs of brain degeneration or cognitive function of the brain, by as much as 30 percent!

Yes, coffee helps with women’s memory. Interestingly, these benefits were not seen in men. As mentioned before, drinking coffee should be done in moderation. If not, then many of the health benefits that come with drinking coffee can get cancelled. Not only is moderation important, it should also be done at different times of the day. This means instead of chugging down 2 or 3 cups all at once, it should be spread throughout different times of the day. As far as pregnant women are concerned, consumption should not be more than one cup a day. The final conclusion from all this research is that a cup of coffee a day will indeed keep the doctor away!

About the Author: C. J. Jones blogs for her personal hobby blog she uses to help people get info on nutrition degrees online.