My Best Diet That Works: Adkins and the Dukan Diet

After the birth of my son I needed to lose a lot of weight.  I am embarrassed to say I gained almost 80 pounds during my pregnancy and it is now time to take it off.  I figured that once I was done nursing the weight would melt away, but that is not what has happened.  Initially I lost about 40 pounds, but now I still have 40 more to go.  I have been on the search for the best diets that work.  I think I have tried them all.  I tried the Atkins diet, the dukan diet plan, Weight Watchers and even tried Nutrisystem.  What follows is my experience with them all.

The Atkins diet was easy to stick to, but the problem was if I cheated for even a little bit, all of the weight I had lost came right back on in spades!  I liked the fact that I could eat bacon and cheese, but the calories I was consuming were astronomical.  This diet did not work for me.

The dukan diet plan was doable.  I didn’t eat as many high fat proteins and I liked the variety of the different stages.  I also like the oat bran pancakes I was allowed to eat.  I lost a little weight on this and I liked it.

Nutri system was expensive and the food tasted awful.  You are suppose to eat fresh vegetables and a salad along with the pre-packaged foods, but all in all it was not worth it. I lost five pounds in a month, but I couldn’t see this being a long term experience for me.

Weight watchers was a winner for me.  It taught me how to eat in a way that was sustainable.  I liked learning how to cook with healthy foods and what ideal portions were.  When I got lazy, I liked that I could pull out a frozen meal that was pretty tasty.  I ended up losing about 20 pounds on weight watchers and it is now a way of life for me.

There’s Nothing Like the Dukan Diet in Burning Your fats!

If you’re at a loss about what kind of diet plan to try, the Dukan diet plan is the answer to your problems. This diet was created in answer to many complains concerning ineffective diet plans in France over a decade ago. In answer to the complaints, Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French medical practitioner created the diet named after him and it’s now all over the planet.

The same problems are occurring today everywhere. Many diet plans just concern themselves with certain parts of the problems but nothing works like the French diet. It covers all the aspects of your diet concerns. It includes the food that you eat, how to lose weight, how long you need to finish the diet, and what to do after you’re finish with the diet plan.

The diet takes care of your food requirements. The creator of the diet may have known the number one problem among fat people is the difficulty in reducing the food intake that they usually eat. Hunger strikes fear into the soul. It’s better to die fat than hungry. To take care of this problem, the diet was based on proteins. Since proteins do not store fats, there’s no need to restrict the food intake of the dieters. Proteins burn fats instead of helping in accumulating them. Many diet plans at present are adopting the same principle in their weight loss programs.

Fat burning foods have become very popular today. Another advantage of the diet is for those who have no time to exercise or can’t exercise regularly. Since the fats are taken care already by proteins, there’s no need to fear anymore if you can’t exercise regularly.

The diet consists of four stages. In each stage you’re given certain types of foods to eat and to lose a certain amount of weight. Every time you’re able to do that, you go up to the next level. The foods include proteins only for the first level; vegetables and proteins on the second level; fruits are included on the third level; and then at the fourth level you’re back to your regular diet.
But you have to promise to eat a full protein diet one day each week. This is the fat burning day. All the fats that you might have accumulated during the week will be dealt here.

The Dukan diet book is available in order to guide you how to lose weight continuously.