5 Spa Etiquette Tips for Beginners

Even if you’ve never been to a spa before, you probably have an image in your mind of what it’s like. You’ve seen characters like Carrie Bradshaw or one of the countless “Real Housewives” lounging around being treated like royalty. There’s usually a waterfall in the background and beautiful people walking everywhere. A real-life spa however is usually less fancy, but no less enjoyable. It’s a place you can go to relieve stress, get together with friends, or treat yourself to a special day away from work.

Despite all this luxury, going to a spa can be an intimidating experience for some people. While there are certain unwritten rules you’ll need to learn, a lot of it is based on common sense. Here are some tips to remember to make your first spa experience as enjoyable as possible.

Make an Appointment – a spa is definitely not a place where you simply show up like a drop-in clinic. Going to gather information or ask questions is fine, but you should always make an appointment if you want a service. Busy spas have to manage a lot of clientele and it’s good to make their job easier. Remember, a happy spa staff gives better service, and that means better relaxation for you. Showing up unannounced and demanding a service will achieve the exact opposite.

Take a tour – if you’re signing up for a comprehensive service or membership, a spa will usually offer a tour. You should definitely take advantage because it’s a great opportunity to get a general feeling for the place. You’re probably not going to use every service during your first session, but it’s nice to know what’s available when you come back. It’s also a great way to meet other spa members for the first time.

Communicate concerns – it’s absolutely vital that you feel as comfortable as possible with whatever service you’re getting. For example, you don’t have to get a massage if you don’t want to, and you certainly shouldn’t continue if you’re uncomfortable with your masseuse. Some spas have different rules regarding clothing or bathing, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of if you don’t feel like taking off your towel. Express your concerns clearly and you’ll likely come up with a compromise that works for you.

Tipping – it really depends on the service, but tipping is generally expected for most of them. And instead of thinking about it a long monetary lines, consider whether or not you enjoyed yourself. If you had a really good time and it’s been one of the best facials of your life, then you should definitely tip big. You’re paying for a specialty service which can’t be found everywhere so make sure to show your appreciation when someone does a good job.

Maintaining a Rapport – over time, a spa can be your private refuge for rest and relaxation. A big part of what makes the experience successful is the other people around you. Do your best to maintain a good rapport and you get the most out of every visit. It’s a great place to hang out with friends or to making new ones. Be friendly with the staff as well because when they’re on your side, it can elevate the spa experience to a whole new level.

Going to the spa is great, but it’s not something everyone can afford all the time. Luckily, you can still treat yourself to some private time at home with a relaxing foot massager you can use after a long day of work.