Intuit Creating TurboTax for Health Care

TurboTax for Health Care assists consumers in understanding the affordable Care Act options for enrollment. For over twenty years, Turbo Tax has been helping millions of Americans in understanding their taxes. It is now coming up with that similar expertise to the health care sector. It is rated the nation’s number one, with the best services for selling online tax preparation from the Intuit Inc. It has launched Turbo Tax Health in order to assist Americans who are not insured to understand the way in which Affordable Care Act applies at an individual situation.

Turbo Tax Health is a new platform, with free tools available online at their website, which can be accessed at It guides users through information that provides the user with an interview-like experience, which is similar to the popular software for Turbo Tax. The website gives a holistic outlook of what it means by ACA to health care and finances of an individual.

Making health care choices is not an easy decision and it can be challenging for an individual to determine whether or not they are doing the right thing. In three steps, Turbo Tax Health gives people a personalized affordable health guide, which helps them understand their health care options. After understanding health care options, an individual can make the right decision regarding his or her health care services confidently and with ease.

The website provides people with a few and simple question to answer. By answering the simple questions, one will be able to determine whether they will qualify for a tax subsidy. This includes estimated amount, which will allow an individual to buy health insurance at a considerable discount. Through these questions, an individual will understand how much the health insurance would cost his or her family. A person will be in a position to estimate his or her tax penalty, in case they opt not to get health insurance.

TurboTax for Health Care

For those who want to buy health insurance, Turbo Tax Health connects them seamlessly to their federal or state health insurance marketplaces. It can also connect them to e-Health, which is the leading private health insurance operating online in the country.

Turbo Tax Health also provides its users with personalized answers depending on their personal questions about health care. It does this through a social community platform that combines the expertise provided by tax professionals and personal peer experiences. The AnswerXchange community, together with a systematic guidance, empowers individuals as it provides them with self-service needs regarding their health care options.