I recently decided to buy an exercise bike to help me lose weight and burn the extra calories I seemed to have accumulated around the Christmas period. All that good food and sitting around had taken its toll! The reason I decided to use an exercise bike was because I have joined gyms in the past, and have usually ended up wasting my monthly membership fees as I struggle to motivate myself to actually go.
There are many exercise bike reviews on the web that pointed me towards using an upright stationary exercise bike. Upright versions tend to help you not only do your lower half, but also works your upper body a lot better than recumbent exercise bikes do.
Why I chose the York Fitness C102 cycle
I ended up choosing a York C102 exercise bike as it was affordable and very compact. I don’t have huge amounts of room at home as I live in an apartment. I have managed to store it in a cupboard so it doesn’t get in the way. As far as cheap spinning bikes go this has really good reviews and feedback online which helped me to select it.
I love using it though, and one of the best features is the LCD Computer display over the handlebars. This lets me see how many calories I have burnt off plus the distance and speed I have travelled.
Helps me to motivate myself to lose weight
For someone not great at motivating myself, having this data at my fingertip has helped as I now set myself daily targets to beat, which encourages me to get back in the saddle. I am now managing to churn out 10 miles a day on my York C102 cycle.
You might think this would be boring, but York Fitness put a small magazine holder above the handlebars. I tend to cycle when I get home from work and either watch television as I go or put my latest book in the holder and read that instead. I now know that exercise doesn’t have to be boring.
In terms of resistance – in other words how hard you have to pedal – there are eight difficulty levels. So I can start off with a leisurely cycle, and then after a bit of time pretend I am attacking a steep hill. It’s really painful – but they do say “no pain no gain” and using my exercise bike is proof of that!
Have I managed to lose any weight?
It’s taken me two months, but in that time I’ve lost nearly twelve pounds. The great thing is, it has been fun doing it and I’ve been able to use my exercise bike in the privacy of my own home and at my own pace. There’s not much effective exercise that tends to be that straight forward so I would thoroughly recommend you do the same. Try out an exercise bike and see if it can help you.
Related articles
- Total Gym Exercise (weightlossdietforum.com)
- Two Tips to Help You Lose Weight and Still Eat Out (dietcleanse.org)