Eliminate Toxins with Diet Cleanses

Eliminate Toxins with Diet Cleanses

Diet cleanses are a way flush away or eliminate any toxins that were originally in the body as a result of eating any unhealthy food. Diet cleanses last for a period of time, after which the body will have totally detoxified.

Cover of LeAnn Rimes

The Master Cleanse also known as the Lemonade Cleanse or the Maple Syrup Cleanse is a diet cleanse that involves detoxification and fasting. It is currently popular and has been hyped as a quick weight loss plan.

It involves a strict and severe plan of purely drinking a lemon juice concoction and consuming no food whatsoever. With this diet, you inevitably lose weight. This is because the diet creates a deficit of calories, but chances are that you will have lost muscle and water weight, not the fat from your body.

As nutritionists highlight, the diet lacks all the essential nutrients say calories, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Consequently, the diet can be extremely dangerous to your health if followed for an extremely long period of time. Therefore, the diet should only run up to two weeks, and a minimum of 4 days.

There is no consumption of food or any other supplements during the duration of the diet. The Master Cleanse Lemonade Juice Cleanse consists of the following ingredients for one serving:
– Two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice (using juice that is not fresh minimizes the diets effectiveness).
– A tenth (1/10) teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
– Two tablespoons of maple organic syrup (Grade B).
– Ten ounces of filtered clean water.

During the duration, you are expected to drink a minimum of 6 servings a day. The other options to this include a Salt Water Flush (a quart of water plus 2 teaspoons of salt mixed) in the morning, and at night, an herbal tea laxative if needed.

The side effects of the fast include hunger, a few headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, sluggishness, constipation or diarrhea.

Following the 4-14 day fast, you are urged to slowly (not drastically) introduce solid food to your body. You should begin with food such as vegetable soup, and then follow it up with fruits and vegetables.

After concluding this diet cleanse, it is not the end. You are expected to continue with healthy decisions such as regular exercise, observing a healthy diet plus stress reduction, in order to maintain the gains that came with the Master Cleanse detox.

A case study is that of LeAnn Rimes, a celebrity 30 year old singer, who is currently on a juice cleanse, according to the Daily Mail. She has joined a list of A-list stars that favor and hype this new diet craze (Beyoncé Knowles is one of them). In addition to the diet, she goes to the gym for a boxing work out session. The results are that she is looking better than ever.

The Many Benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass has grown so popular in recent years. They say it is does wonders to the body. Wheatgrass looks literally like grass, no appeal at all but it gives you body all the nutrients it needs. Wheatgrass juice is also very popular today. Juicing wheatgrass has become a trend lately. A lot of people are getting in on the action too. In this article we are going to outline the benefits of wheatgrass and chances are you will be convinced to try it too.

Wheatgrass is quite hard to break down so you will need a special juicer for it. You cannot just use any type of juicer. You need to buy juicer which is especially made for wheatgrass. There are also special juicers which can make juice from fruits, vegetables and wheatgrass but they are more costly than your regular juicers.

Consuming wheatgrass is juice form is better for the body because it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. You will get immediate energy from consuming it. Wheatgrass not only energizes the body, it also reduces fatigue. If you drink wheatgrass, you will not eat as much because it acts as an anti-suppressant. Wheatgrass can improve your body’s metabolism. You will burn more calories than you normally do and this is what makes it really good for people who are trying to lose weight.

Wheatgrass juice improves your digestion because it is full of fiber. It is also antibacterial and it is very good at cleansing the liver. For people who want to take good care of their teeth, wheatgrass is a must. It prevents tooth decay. Wondering if wheatgrass does your skin any good? The answer is a definitive yes. It can treat acne, improve your complexion and even remove acne scars. It also keeps the hair from graying and it is good at removing dandruff. Wheatgrass calms the nervous system, boosts your immune system and offer relief to people who suffer from constipation.

Eat For Good Health and High Energy

Years of research and hundreds of hours, the calculating power of the computer has been applied to the task of finding many new high-protein food combination’s from vegetable sources, and dozens of brand-new free smoothie recipes have been created based on discoveries.

People have been searching for years how to find the ideal diet. As any successful dieter can tell you, and they represent only a tiny percentage of perennial dieters, the way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat for good health and high energy, rather than for quick weight loss. Starve yourself and you will eventually binge and regain the weight. Eat to feel well and you will be rewarded with long term positive changes.

This is the only diet that will work over a lifetime for everyone. In addition, this diet uses the insights of behavioral psychology and nutrition science to lead binge eaters, sweets addicts, and compulsive but previously unsuccessful dieters step by step to a new perspective on food and new, healthy eating habits they can adopt at their own pace.

Thousands of people in the USA started The Master Cleanse program designed to eliminate toxins that are built up in the body, and millions of other people who are concerned by the statistics on heart disease and hypertension and want to find out how to lower the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in their daily diet.

Many people request specific detailed information in order to move toward a healthy lifestyle. People with certain medical problems should consider removing red meat and other animal proteins from their diet. Some of these medical problems include hypoglycemia, obesity, digestive disorders and other colon problems, gout and elevated cholesterol.

At the end of the day, you are what you eat. Adopting new lifestyle together with healthy diet is the first step to your healthy well being.

Effective Salt Water Master Cleanse Recipe

General body detoxing and specifically the colon detox has become widely accepted as a way to live healthy and get rid of possible danger triggers in our bodies. There are a wide variety of ways to detox or cleanse the body system of harmful toxins, each using a different approach but all have a common objective. If you are seeking a way to cleanse your body of toxins and get rid of accumulated wastes in the colon, it is advisable that you use the salt water flush recipe because this technique is inexpensive, easy and fast not to mention that it not only eliminates the toxins in the colon but in the entire digestive system.

To make the salt water flush recipe a success in detoxifying the digestive system, you should take the mixture the first thing in the morning even before you take your breakfast. The salt water detox will do a more thorough job on an empty stomach than on a full stomach. Warm one bottle of purified or spring water because they do not contain fluoride and chlorine which will hamper the effectiveness of the salt water. Add one and half or two level spoonful of sea salt without chloride or iodine to the water and stir well to make a saturated solution. Although any sea salt will do, Celtic sea salt is highly recommended. You can improve the taste of the salt solution by adding lemon or lime juice.

This is the best recipe for master cleanse to completely rid the body of the toxins and debris deposited in the colon. You should expect results in half to one hour although it may take longer in some people. The goodness with this master cleanse technique is that there will be no major undesirable effects other than loose stools and you can perform the process whenever necessary. I recommend that you clean the colon twice every week to keep it in top condition.

Shed Weight with the Cayenne Pepper Diet

The cayenne pepper diet, recently made famous by Hollywood starlets and major music mavens has been around for many years. It was developed in the 1940’s by Stanley Burroughs, who was an alternative medicine practitioner. It was reintroduce in the mid 1990’s in a book by Peter Glickman, purporting to teach you a method or a system to lose weight, gain energy and be happier in just ten days.

So if you have a date for the Emmys and need to lose a quick 20 pounds so you can fit into your size two Vera Wang; then perhaps it is time to mix up a big batch of a honey cayenne pepper cleanse drink and start sipping it today.

A mixture of lemon or lime juice, maple syrup (sometimes substituting honey) and cayenne pepper, this diet likes to go by various names. It is also known as the Master Cleanse and has been used for years as a way to clean your system of all the toxins that have built up over time through the consumption of fatty foods, alcohol and tobacco. Start with 60oz of distilled water add 12 tablespoons of Maple Syrup (grade b organic), 12 tablespoons of lemon juice (from fresh lemons), and ½ to ¾ teaspoons (or to taste) of cayenne pepper shake vigorously to ensure all ingredients are completely mixed.

Drinking 10 oz glasses two or three times a day will begin the process of cleansing your body of all the nasty unwanted toxins. When you begin this program you will need to stay away from all foods and other liquids for the entire ten day period. This process can not be called quick or easy. It may take a newcomer to the master cleanse system several attempts before actually completing the entire ten day stretch with out consuming any other food stuffs. First timers tend to desire food after only 12 to 14 hours of the program.

When mixed properly with the right ingredients the drink contains all of the important nutrients your body needs to keep you going for the full ten days.

Maxx Trim – Diet Cleanse

Historically an interesting look at some weight loss products that have come and gone. Many of these mid 2000 weight loss acai products came with re-bill options that consumers were unaware of. That got a lot of marketing networks into trouble with the FTC and now you rarely see this kind of out-right deceit in the marketplace. The better networks now work off of sales instead of leads for free products that aren’t really free.

The Ultimate Thermogentic

In 1993, Maxx Trim reached it’s highest popularity in America. Overweight individuals were losing an unheard of 5-8 lbs per week without … Read more at Diet Cleanse

Funny Smile You Are Losing Weight Fitness Center Sign (Photo credits: www.mydoorsign.com)

Historically an interesting look at some weight loss products that have come and gone. Many of these mid 2000 weight loss acai products came with re-bill options that consumers were unaware of. That got a lot of marketing networks into trouble with the FTC and now you rarely see this kind of out-right deceit in the marketplace. The better networks now work off of sales instead of leads for free products that aren’t really free.

The Ultimate Thermogentic

In 1993, Maxx Trim reached it’s highest popularity in America. Overweight individuals were losing an unheard of 5-8 lbs per week without dieting & without any additional time spent working out. Nothing compared to the results Maxx Trim was rendering. And the supplement carries an full 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Convenient Weight Loss

As an supplement to your diet, 1 or 2 tablets should be taken in the morning, afternoon, or evening before 6:00 pm . At least 4 hours before you go to bed. Maxx Trim can be taken on an empty stomach or with food.

Weight Loss Diet

Maxx Trim had been intensely tested, purified and filtered to make sure that you get the best ingredients and the highest quality formula for the highest level fat burning and energy level increases possible.

Once Banned for Being Too Powerful

The unmatched success of MaxxTrim was so remarkable, it was formerly banned for being too potent…Imagine that! MaxxTrim works because of a one of a kind blend of herbs that helps the body burn fat through thermogenics by carefully escalating the body’s metabolism. The results are beyond belief.