Tachycardia: A Symptom of Anxiety Attack

The different anxiety attack symptoms mainly emanate from the body’s nervous system.   Others even think that anxiety sufferers are experiencing the same symptoms because of the fact that it all emanates from the nervous system of a person.  This is not always the case.  The uniqueness of each individual has made the symptoms of anxiety attack vary from one person to another.   There are literally hundreds of anxiety symptoms that vary in intensity, duration, frequency and severity.  Therefore, it is tantamount to say that no two individuals are suffering from exactly the same symptoms of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is an excessive worry and fear about an object, event or situation. The occurrence of the symptoms of anxiety attack all come from the body’s nerves.  This is why those people who have bad cases of nervous system are more prone to have anxiety attacks. This is why one of the most common symptoms of anxiety attack is heart palpitation.  This faster heart rate that occurs during an anxiety attack is medically known asanxiety tachycardia.

When anxiety tachycardia occurs, the beating of a person’s heart every minute reaches up to 200.If you suspect that you are suffering from the same symptom, consult a doctor.  For anxiety sufferers, tachycardia usually occurs as a symptom of an anxiety attack and not as a symptom of any other heart diseases.  This is the most common reason why anxiety sufferers rush to the emergency room thinking that they are having a heart attack.

Fortunately, anxiety tachycardia can be stopped using some relaxation techniques.  It is also good if an anxiety sufferer indulges in yoga.  Yoga provides good relaxation techniques to an anxiety sufferer.  People with an anxiety disorder may also choose to have a short vacation or a weekend getaway to a place that is very relaxing.  This way, the person’s mind and body will be refreshed.  The person’s energy will also be replenished as well.  When a person was able to relax well he will have more strength to deal with stressful situations.  Relaxation methods do not always mean that the individual will be sleeping all day to be able to relax.  Relaxation may also mean doing the things that provide happiness to the anxiety sufferer.

The different symptoms of anxiety are due to the adrenaline flowing through the bloodstream. This adrenaline will then result to varied unusual physical symptoms.  The adrenaline flow increases when a person starts to become afraid of the physical symptoms of anxiety.  If this occurrence persists for a considerable period of time an anxiety attack will happen.

Best Online Health Resources

While there is no substitute for the advice and diagnosis of a qualified medical professional, or the treatment you receive in a hospital, doctor’s surgery or alcohol treatment facility, the Internet is full of resources.

You can use these resources to improve your health and educate yourself on diseases and medications. You can also find information on hospitals, doctors, drug and alcohol rehab centers and more. However, you can’t always trust everything you read on the Internet, so the next time you want to look something up about your health, turn to these resources first.


The easy-to-use symptom checker of WebMD has given valuable information to many concerned people all over the world. The website allows you to narrow down your symptoms by body part and also provides tons of information on diseases, conditions, symptoms, drugs and supplements.

That’s not all – you can also learn about preventative medicine, healthy living, how to eat in a healthy fashion and take part in communities devoted to particular conditions from ADHD to Sleep Conditions. Myriad features and articles give you information on common health worries and conditions as well as on how to stay healthy.


The website of the United Kingdom’s National Health Centre offers a wealth of information on symptoms, diseases, medications and treatments. While it is a UK resource it is an excellent source of information on various medical issues.

Bear in mind that medications will be listed under their United Kingdom trade names and may not be available in the United States. You can also use the symptom checker to try and find out why you are feeling unwell and check out articles that go into detail about health issues that have recently featured in the news.


The Mayo Clinic is internationally renowned for the skill and expertise of its medical professionals. In addition to a symptom checker, the website also offers expert information and advice on diseases, medical conditions, drugs, supplements and healthy living.

The section on tests and procedures is great for those who will soon be undergoing a medical procedure or a test and want to know what they can expect from their visit to their healthcare provider. They also host blogs from experts in such areas as pregnancy, stress, nutrition, diabetes, cancer, depression and Alzheimers, where you can receive up-to-date information, advice and even join in the conversation with your own questions and experiences.

While you should always talk to a qualified professional if you have worries about your health, the Internet provides amazing resources that can empower you to make better decisions, ease your mind and help you take more control of your own health.

This post made possible by guest blogger James Tennant, a writer with varied interests, including drug and alcohol rehab centers and alcohol detox facilities.