Incidents of colon cancer continue to rise around the world with most patients coming from industrialized countries. If you have recurring problems with your bowel movement, you may be at risk of developing this illness. The good news is that it can be cured by making simple and inexpensive changes in your lifestyle. Learn how to cleanse colon and you will soon feel much better. Just be careful about doing things excessively as you may become susceptible to anemia, malnutrition, and severe dehydration.
Drink Plenty of Water
We are always told to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. While this is a good rule of thumb, some individuals may require more fluids. The reason is that our body uses water to flush out toxins thru urine, sweat, and other waste products. It’s important to replace what has been taken out so that the cycle can repeat continuously. People with higher mass or a more active daily routine will need more water than smaller sedentary officer workers. There are online fluid calculators but for a quick check, one can always take a glance at the color of their pee. Pale yellow is ideal. Dark yellow is a sign that your water intake is inadequate. Drink a glass every now and then. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to pick one up.
Eat Your Greens
Our mothers had good reasons to tell us to eat fruits and vegetables. They are rich in fiber which the colon needs to perform its functions better. Fruits are also great for weight loss, are filled with vitamins and minerals, and they taste fantastic. Eat salads as an appetizer and serve fruits for dessert. They are nutritious and delicious ways to colon cleanse naturally.
More Fiber
Whole grains and can be found in bread, brown rice, barley, rye, oats, and millet. If you want to cleanse colon, these foods can help. You can also switch to brown pasta for your spaghetti and pesto meals.
Healthy Fats
Not all fats are bad for the body. Some actually help in vital functions and promote health. The colon needs healthy fats to keep digestion going smoothly. Prime sources include avocados, eggs, olives, coconuts, raw nuts, and cold-water fishes.
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