Top 5 Ketogenic Dieting Mistakes To Avoid

While starting our fitness plan and regime – the first mistake we make is of becoming ambitious! We want quick results. However with some early success, sooner or later we come to a point where there is no progress at all; or on the contrary, we start to gain weight instead. Read carefully these Ketogenic Dieting Mistakes To Avoid.

You might start to believe that the diet plan was not for you or you might just blame the equipment for not working on your body. But wait a minute, was it really the plan that didn’t work or was it YOU? It could also be some common mistakes people make while going on diets. Here are some common mistakes that render the dieting plans as ineffective, make sure you aren’t committing them! Here goes:

1. Avoiding Carbohydrates

Completely depriving your body of carbohydrates is not the right way to go on a diet. No doubt that carbohydrates are the new food demons (a status formerly reserved for fats and lipids), it is however not good to completely cut off carbohydrates from your diet.

Carbohydrates are important for your body as they help in energy production. They are necessary for the secretion of serotonin which evokes the feeling of happiness in our body. So, in other words, it is about eating smart. You can eat the good healthy carbs like whole grains and you can avoid the refined unhealthy carbohydrates on your way to weight loss & fitness.

2. Consuming Calories Unknowingly

Take a look at the food items which you are consuming. Some harmless looking food stuff contains a great amount of calories which you forgot or thought them as harmless and note down in your calorie counting book. Gulping that glass of orange juice in a hot afternoon or that coffee while you were conversing with your fellow workers might seem harmless, but they contain good amount of calories which can lead to weight gain.

Sweetened beverages are even worse in this context and one must avoid consuming these products.

The key is to be aware and alert about what you are having. Noted dieticians often comment that most of the people who come to them claim not having anything extra or unhealthy. But they’d be popping chocolates, drinking sweet – cold coffee and binging on potatoes chips and crispies. This is far from healthy! So be aware.

Ketogenic Dieting Mistakes to Avoid
Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Peter Lewis serves a crew member during lunch Wed., Dec. 21, 2016 in the galley at Station Point Allerton. Recently, Chief Lewis and Station Point Allerton won the Coast Guard’s Forrest E. Rednour Award for Excellence in Dining. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Aux. Reid Oslin)

3. Depriving Yourself

Completely depriving yourself of certain food items can actually backfire to your diet program. Although your intention might be to control the intake of calories and get to that ideal weight, your body is not accustomed to the changes. If you have been regularly catering to your “sweet tooth” then a sudden stop on sweet intake may not go down well with your body. There can be the “withdrawal symptoms” and at times, you might even suffer from ill effects.

So instead of completely avoiding certain food items, here is what you could do:

  1. Decrease the intake frequency. For instance, don’t have dessert everyday!
  2. Decrease the quantity of intake. For instance, have a small helping of ice-cream for dessert instead of the regular bowl.
  3. Burn your calories. And this is irrespective of whether you have that dessert or not!

Exercise is important for weight loss. More so, it is important for your fitness.

4. Not keeping a tab on calories

If you are not monitoring your calories, there is a real problem. You must know what you are eating.

For starters, you should maintain a journal to keep a track on your calories. Not keeping one is also a reason for diet plan fails. For your weight loss plan to be a success, you must keep a tab on the calories you eat as well as on those you exhaust. It may be a bit hard and awkward to count the calories at first, but it will definitely pay off in the long run. Make sure that you shamelessly count each and every calorie which you ever consume and don’t even let the harmless looking candy slip off! It’s after all, for your health. At the same time, keep a tab on the number of calories you spent as the difference is what will tell you how much you have improved and how close you are to the ideal weight and figure!

5. Skipping Meals a Big Ketogenic Dieting Mistake

You might think that to reduce weight one needs to reduce calories. Skipping meals can then reduce a whole bunch of calories, can’t it? Well, although the same might be true in a perfect world, ours sadly isn’t one. Skipping meals can interfere with your body’s digestion and lead to indigestion and render your body unable to utilize the food properly. Also, it is found that people who skip a meal overeat when they get a chance to in the next meal, which possesses a higher threat to weight loss.

So it’s all about being wise, eating well and doing the right amount of exercise. Get that discipline in your life – your body deserves it! Cheers! I hope you enjoyed these Ketogenic Dieting Mistakes to Avoid.

The author is a writer in a blog which provides various health and nutrition related solutions. She has written blog posts in the subject of weight loss tips, prevention and cure of acne, prevention of early aging and HGH  to name a few.

Do Detox Patches Really Work?

A new clinical study discovered that health pads filled with Japanese vinegar and natural ingredients help promote good health. These health pads are also called detox patches and applied to the bottom of foot. It is a Japanese way of relieving stress and pain in the body which is quite effective with no side-effects. It is quite popular among them because it is very practical and easy to follow. Apparently, it works even when you are sleeping, and also helps in controlling your cholesterol levels. The most interesting part about these pads is that you can see the results next morning, which have doubtful reasoning.

What do They Look Like?

This is like an absorbent pad that has round edges which can be easily attached to your skin. Commonly these pads have bamboo vinegar, mushrooms and many Japanese herbs. They are usually applied underneath the foot overnight while you asleep. When the pads are removed in the morning, there is a black residue on the skin which should be the toxins that have been pulled out from the body.

How is it Believed to Work?

The feet are chosen for external application because this is advised by reflexology. Each organ system responds to a zone on the feet and these pads stimulate these zones overnight. However, if you have been caught by a scam in various spas that place your feet in a tub of water, then be assured that this technology has nothing to do with the scam. They usually placed your feet on the tub of salt water that was slightly charged to pull out the toxins, which eventually turned the water dark in color. This was only the result of the rust that was developing from the electrodes.

Is It True?

These foot pads, although may have good ingredients, have little or no effect on the outside of the body. The skin has pores on surface but they are not big enough to allow any kinds of toxins to surface out of the foot. It is a residue that is created by the vinegar that reacts to sweat or wet surfaces. They are not a complete scam but the advantages have been exaggerated. They will help extract some impurities from the body, but they are not as effective as any other detoxification diet can help. Instead they can clog your sweat pores and it can make your skin more prone to infections.

Unfortunately, those techniques that are cheap to produce are common tools for scams and they are always overrated like miracle treatments. It is important to know the extent of its usage and hence one should not be misled by expensive offers from different vendors. It is a technique that has grown old and better ways for detox have been discovered for our convenience.

Your liver is the best organ that can give your body a detox, and you can use the following means to improve your condition:

  • Lemon detox diet
  • Liver flush
  • Fasting


Jenny writes about detox foot pads, fatty liver treatment and other things related to liver health.

Top Tips To Give Your Body A Sexy Spring Makeover

The trees are starting to grow green again and every now and then we get a couple of days when it’s warm enough to leave the house without needing a jacket. In just a few short weeks you’re going to find yourself having to bare all on the beaches and digging out those little summer skirts. The only problem is dealing with the transition of winter you into summer you. Most of us women have spent the majority of the last few months wrapped up under snugly layers and paying very little attention to our bodies but it’s time to start getting ready for spring and to release your inner goddess.

Lets start with the skin, it’s spent months having to either brave the elements and being exposed to cold dry air or being hidden away under thick jumpers and warm jeans. It’s the legs that usually require the most amount of work here. You need to start with giving them a good exfoliate so invest in a new loofah and some good quality exfoliating body scrub. You need to remove all those old dead skin cells before you even attempt to start getting rid of a winters worth of hair. When it comes to hair removal most women will have their preferred method, shaving is the easiest method but it’s not going to last very long, waxing will be more painful but you will stay smoother for longer whatever you’re going for you need to remember to exfoliate regularly to help prevent in growing hair. Always apply a moisturising cream to your legs after you’ve removed the hair and try one with a built in self tanner to help build a subtle tan and give those pasty legs a healthy looking glow.

You face probably hasn’t had to spend all season covered up but it’s going to need just as much TLC. You want a healthy and natural looking glow for the spring months so like the legs, you need to start with a good exfoliate to get those deal skin cells out the way. If you can make the time, spend a few minuets with a face mask once a week to keep you skin looking young and healthy. If you’ve left your eyebrows to it over the winter and only waved the tweezers at them when you’re going somewhere nice you need in invest some cash in getting them shaped properly, this is usually pretty cheap and you’ll find them easier to pluck if you’ve got a more defined line to follow. Give your usual makeup a good evaluation and throw away anything you know is really past its best. All make up has a shelf life and although you’ll probably use it well before then, it can still be a breading ground for bacteria if it’s not covered properly. Make sure whatever foundation your using for the spring has a built in sun screen for some extra protection.

Your hair is your crowning glory and no matter how amazing your body looks, you’re not going to feel like the goddess you are if you don’t get the hair looking fabulous too. Start with getting a trim at the very least, it’s going to grow much quicker in the spring so ideally it needs to be trimmed every six weeks to keep those split ends at bay. Adding a few subtle highlights can help give your hair that natural looking sun kissed look whilst you wait for the real sun kissed highlights to appear. Like your face, your hair has also spent all winter being exposed to the elements and all that cold air, wind and rain will have taken its toll. Make sure your locks get a deep condition once a week to keep them as healthy as possible. To get instantly shiner hair without having to empty half a carton of eggs on them or any other contents from your fridge always rinse the conditioner out in colder water that you’d normally use. This doesn’t have to be freezing cold but the cooler temperature will bring out a natural shine. For sexy spring hair scrunch some wax into it when its wet for natural looking beach hair and leave those straighteners alone too, nothing stresses your hair out like being clamped between two searing hot ceramic plates.

If you fancy adding some exercise to your routine to get ready for spring check out JTX Fitness for a great selection of power plates and exercise equipment

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