Rapid Weight Loss with hCG Drops and the hCG Injections Diet

Some critics dismiss the hCG injections diet as the latest in a never-ending stream of fad diets, but if nothing else, it’s a diet with staying power. HCG weight loss programs have been around since the 1950s, ever since Dr. A.T.W. Simeons observed that obese patients given small amounts of the hormone on a daily basis would lose up to and over 30 pounds per month.

This might seem too good to be true, but it should be noted that the hormone’s main function is to act as an appetite suppressant that allegedly enables dieters to maintain a 500-calorie-per-day food allotment. If they can genuinely comply with eating such a small amount of food on a continual basis, rapid weight loss should be no surprise.

While the FDA approved hCG decades ago, the agency takes a strong position against its use as a diet supplement. They require hCG products to carry a disclaimer noting that the hormone has not been proven to reduce appetite, dissolve fat deposits or accelerate weight loss. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, produced in women in early stages or pregnancy, was approved by the FDA as a fertility drug.

Pure HCG drops (undiluted oral supplements) and injections are only available with a prescription, but homeopathic hCG drops can be purchased legally due to the extremely high dilution. HHCG drops are almost all water and no hormone. This accounts for the placebo effect that critics cite as one of the most frequent hCG diet dangers: compliance with Simeons’ Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) has less to due with HHCG’s potency as an appetite suppressant that the dieter’s belief in it. It can hardly be argued that the key weight loss factor is the low amount of food being consumed.

HCG injections within a weight loss clinic setting are the safest, most highly recommended program to take for anyone considering this diet. Patients spend three to five weeks, depending on their budget, receiving daily injections, then must quit the diet and the injections for a minimum of six weeks before resuming the program in order to prevent them from becoming immune to hCG. Regardless of whether or clinical setting is utilized, it’s essential to consult a doctor before embarking on a low-calorie hCG diet.

Losing Weight With The HCG Weight Loss Diet

It is common knowledge that, in the times we live in, keeping a healthy life is an important and constantly growing concern. Some decide to stop eating, some drastically limit their foods. Some go on diets that only temporarily fix the problem, and even more go to other extremes. With such a variety of problems that overweight and sedentary people face it is imperative to find a long lasting solution fit for the modern day man and woman. Everyone is different and no one method will work for all. However HCG weight loss programs are one of the healthiest and long lasting diets currently available on the market. Aside from herbs, HCG is the most natural option and, like herbs, has no harmful side effects.

HCG is a hormone created by women during pregnancy called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin that works on both men and women of all ages in HCG weight loss options. Most commonly people buy HCG online. This hormone, when ingested, accelerates the body’s metabolism which requires it to burn more calories each day. It breaks down the fat cells accumulated in the body, such as cellulite, in order to supply the need of calories which the diet does not supply. This is why HCG uses a low calories diet, thus producing the wonderful effect of weight loss desired and leaving no flab behind! Other programs of speedy weight loss are unnatural so the skin and muscle over the affected area generally remains flabby and stretched. Through its natural course HCG weight loss avoids these problems and gives better results.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is administered through drops or cc measurement placed under the tongue twice a day. It usually amounts to 4 drops or 0.22ml. There are a great many recipes available with this diet so it is both delicious and effective. How to buy HCG online can be tricky at times so it is wise to take some precautions to avoid scams and loss of time.

For starters it is good to see if the website is health related. There are many sites that do no more than advertise HCG and other weight loss programs. Look for those sites offering guarantee of the product, usually these are legitimate. Buy HCG online with those web sites that also offer a contact number or email. But most of all try HCG for yourself. Everyone is different, so experience and gain your own perspective on HCG, see if it is or not good for you and those you know.

A Ketogenic Diet Will Help With A Lot More Than Just Losing Weight

low carb
Image by daBinsi via Flickr

A ketogenic diet is a special kind of diet that is really low in carbohydrates. They’re also known as “ketosis” diets. Carbohydrates are, of course, one of the major resources of energy for your body. They’re broken down and the energy is then used for the daily functioning of one’s body. But our bodies are smart. As soon as there is too little carbs to burn, your body changes over to using up fats instead as a key energy source.

Are you starting to see what were getting at? It just seems sensible that any diet plan regime which causes your body to seek out and consume body fat for energy will help you lose weight. All this is fine provided that you do not forget about the simple, old rule that calories out must at the very least equal calories in.

You will find people who fear that a ketogenic diet regime may be unhealthy. The truth is, they are safe; the trouble appears to be that a few individuals get mixed up involving the words “ketoacidsosis” and “ketogenic”. The word “ketoacidosis” describes a very dangerous situation diabetics are affected from, where their blood sugar level swings way out of its standard boundaries. Its important to not get the 2 words mixed up. Fortunately, ketosis is really a completely healthy process, useful for battling illness in addition to fat loss.

Lots of research has been completed on ketogenic diet plans in regards to obesity. In almost every case, individuals involved in the studies who had been fed a ketogenic diet plan documented that their appetites seemed to lessened. It is because ketogenic diet plans are usually quite heavy on proteins. Proteins is shown to help to make us feel full which explains why ketogenic diet programs suppress your appetite. Also, researchers found that people eating some sort of low fat diet regime needed to actively curb their calorie consumption, whereas individuals eating a low carbohydrate diet regime got the same results as those in the low fat group but they also didn’t need to actively keep an eye on their calorie consumption.

You do have to be a little careful with many low carbohydrate diet plans – they generally consist of too much saturated fat to be considered healthy. If you can watch out for the unwanted saturated fats, you’ll find that low carbohydrate diet programs have got their good elements too – far better resistance to insulin, and also far better HDL and Trygliceride levels.

Quite a few studies have already been done around the benefits associated with ketosis diet programs for kids who suffer from epilepsy. To begin with, these people go through far fewer seizure attacks. Research conducted recently revealed 50 % fewer seizures pertaining to 38 % of the children on low carb diet programs, along with a 90 percent reduction for 7 % of them.

If you decide to say ketogenic diet to the majority of men and women they would look at you with a blank stare. Mention the Aitkin’s diet program and they are understanding you. Essentially these are exactly the same thing, a low carbohydrate diet. You should defiantly inform yourself more about ketogenic diet plans if you’re looking for a sure way to drop some weight quickly.

Weight Loss with the Alkaline Diet Today

Losing weight is not the primary objective of the alkaline diet. Thinking that you should choose a weight loss diet instead might not be the best idea. Wanting to lose weight quickly is of course desirable on one level. Although, the thing is, that fast weight loss can result in a yo-yo effect. That’s why a more general diet for overall health can actually be the best option. In other words, to feel healthier and have a better body for years to come, weight loss with the alkaline diet makes a great choice.

This is why eating more fruits and vegetables and not worrying too much about calories is a great way to eat. Over time, you will certainly become healthier and look better. You are almost guaranteed to lose weight with the alkaline diet. To get started, all you have to do is eat more fruit and vegetables. There is nothing that you really have to deny yourself. Over time your desire for unhealthy foods will decrease.

Let’s think about the sorts of foods that you would eat at breakfast time if you were to follow an alkaline diet. Don’t worry, all you really have to do is to start eating more alkaline foods. When you get into it, it becomes almost second nature to make the healthy choice. What is your normal breakfast meal?

When you get up, try and have a glass of water. Doing so means you can get rid of any toxins that have gathered while you slept. An important part of the alkaline diet is staying hydrated. Fruit and vegetables are also very important. You could make a fresh orange juice. It is not an issue if you like to eat scrambled eggs and fried foods. The aim is to supplement your regular meals with more fresh produce. At the end of the day, by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, you are following an alklaline diet.

Exercise Bike Reviews and the York C102 Cycle – Great for Helping With a Weight Loss Program

I recently decided to buy an exercise bike to help me lose weight and burn the extra calories I seemed to have accumulated around the Christmas period.  All that good food and sitting around had taken its toll!  The reason I decided to use an exercise bike was because I have joined gyms in the past, and have usually ended up wasting my monthly membership fees as I struggle to motivate myself to actually go.

There are many exercise bike reviews on the web that pointed me towards using an upright stationary exercise bike.  Upright versions tend to help you not only do your lower half, but also works your upper body a lot better than recumbent exercise bikes do.

Why I chose the York Fitness C102 cycle

I ended up choosing a York C102 exercise bike as it was affordable and very compact.  I don’t have huge amounts of room at home as I live in an apartment.  I have managed to store it in a cupboard so it doesn’t get in the way.  As far as cheap spinning bikes go this has really good reviews and feedback online which helped me to select it.

I love using it though, and one of the best features is the LCD Computer display over the handlebars.  This lets me see how many calories I have burnt off plus the distance and speed I have travelled.

Helps me to motivate myself to lose weight

For someone not great at motivating myself, having this data at my fingertip has helped as I now set myself daily targets to beat, which encourages me to get back in the saddle. I am now managing to churn out 10 miles a day on my York C102 cycle.

You might think this would be boring, but York Fitness put a small magazine holder above the handlebars.  I tend to cycle when I get home from work and either watch television as I go or put my latest book in the holder and read that instead.  I now know that exercise doesn’t have to be boring.

In terms of resistance – in other words how hard you have to pedal – there are eight difficulty levels.  So I can start off with a leisurely cycle, and then after a bit of time pretend I am attacking a steep hill.  It’s really painful – but they do say “no pain no gain” and using my exercise bike is proof of that!

Have I managed to lose any weight?

It’s taken me two months, but in that time I’ve lost nearly twelve pounds.  The great thing is, it has been fun doing it and I’ve been able to use my exercise bike in the privacy of my own home and at my own pace.  There’s not much effective exercise that tends to be that straight forward so I would thoroughly recommend you do the same.  Try out an exercise bike and see if it can help you.

Losing Weight with the Help of Medical Clinics

Losing weight is a major issue right now. A lot of people has set it their sights on it yet we still see more and more of the population each year becoming overweight. With the kind of diet that most people have nowadays that is really not surprising. Add the fact that we are leading lazy lifestyles and we are doing nothing about it. Our fathers and grandfathers were used to manual labor or at least to some form of physical activity, we on the other hand, we’re stuck on our sofa or our office chairs staring into TV or computer screens.

If you are one of those who suffer from being overweight you might want to try getting the help of a medical weight loss clinic. This kind of clinic is set up with the aim of proving proper weight loss programs with medical supervision all throughout. Weight loss programs from a gym may boast of being scientifically backed and with trainers there to help you could really get some results from them, but medical weight loss clinics goes even better by having a trained medical practitioner available to help you all throughout the program. This is by far the safest way to lose weight. You can be sure that they would not let you try any cheap short cuts just to get rid of a few extra pounds. Anything that they tell you to do, you can be sure that it’s safe and effective, because no medical doctor would put their name and reputation on the line by making you try something that has not been proven yet.

So if you are overweight or even obese, stop checking those weight loss ads just go to the nearest weight loss clinic and get fit and trim in the healthy way.