How to Survive The Holidays Without Putting Weight On

How to Survive The Holidays Without Putting Weight On

We all know that the holiday period can be a real nightmare when trying to lose excess weight and perhaps during this time almost impossible. Instead of trying to lose pounds during this season and feeling disheartened after eating too much at that family dinner, aim to focus simply on not gaining any extra weight. This can be achieved by making just a couple of changes to your holiday eating habits. What follows are some simple but effective weight loss tips that will help ensure you do not put on extra … Read more at Diet Cleanse

How to Survive The Holidays Without Putting Weight On

We all know that the holiday period can be a real nightmare when trying to lose excess weight and perhaps during this time almost impossible. Instead of trying to lose pounds during this season and feeling disheartened after eating too much at that family dinner, aim to focus simply on not gaining any extra weight. This can be achieved by making just a couple of changes to your holiday eating habits. What follows are some simple but effective weight loss tips that will help ensure you do not put on extra weight over the holidays.

Freeze your temptation

Food and treats cannot be avoided during the holiday season, however hard you try! Eating everything on offer can be detrimental to any weight loss you have achieved and make you feel guilty; but throwing out these treats is wasteful. The ideal resolution to this is freezing! Home made candy and treats are perfect for freezing in controlled portions that can be thawed out during the year when you fancy a little indulgence, thus avoiding gorging yourself on treats all at once.

Be food savvy at parties

The holiday season is filled with social events which can often lead to over eating of party food. Next time you arrive at a party check out the food to see what’s on offer. This will allow you to assess what fattening foods are present and to see if your favorite foods are available to eat.

If your host doesn’t mind, bring along your own home made fare to share with guests. Not only will you be able to keep on track with your diet but also introduce others to healthier alternatives to party food.

Keep food out of the equation

At social gatherings, aim to keep your mind engaged on other things instead of food. Take time to play with the kids, look over old photographs with friends or get a sport game going with the whole family such as football or rounders. The additional activity will not only take your mind off eating but burn calories. Therefore keeping those extra holiday pounds at bay!

Swap smart

There is so much different food offered during the holiday period that swapping high calorie foods for a healthier alternative can be easily done and really beneficial when maintaining weight loss. Below are some exchange ideas for you to attempt;

  • Swap chocolate for sweets
  • Swap dark fatty meat for lean light meat like chicken
  • Swap creamy dips for vegetable based salsa
  • Swap regular eggnog for a lighter version
  • Swap rich fruit cake for a lighter sponge cake
  • Swap chocolate chip cookies for ginger thins
  • Swap beer and wine for a white wine spritzer

Also, if you’re a tea drinker, you may want to consider replacing your regular tea with some kind of weight loss tea. It’s been said that some varieties of tea such as green tea and pu-erh tea can aid weight loss by boosting your metabolism.

Practice portion control

When filling your plate at parties and gatherings try to follow these guidelines to control the portions you are eating;

  • Fill one quarter of the plate with a lean protein
  • Fill one quarter of the plate with wholegrain
  • Fill the last half of the plate with fresh fruit an vegetables

Filling your plate like so will certify you do not over-eat. If you feel comfortable enough to share your diet plans, let your friends and family know you are watching what you eat for further support and encouragement.

Here Is The Quickest Way to Lose Weight!

Guest Post: Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Without a doubt, the quickest way to lose weight is to eat as little as possible, replacing food with water and other diuretics. Other fast-acting solutions include many of today’s most popular diet programs which will cut out the majority of your food or have you drinking carrot juice for a week straight. For many, fast weight loss is achieved through specific diet pills which help to speed up the body’s metabolism and curb cravings.

Most of the ideas for quick weight loss are neither healthy nor safe. Eating as little as possible, while it may drop the numbers on the scales, is not good for the body’s overall function. Your energy levels will drop, muscle discomfort will increase, and if these habits are followed over long periods of time, major body systems can even start to slowly shut down, as they are no longer able to function at their highest level.

For those who need to lose ten pounds in a week, that goal is not realistic unless you plan to starve yourself for the entire seven days. Excessive exercising, combined with very little food, large amounts of water, and plenty of coffee will no doubt help you lose weight quickly, but unfortunately most of what you lose will be water weight which will pop right back up as soon as you resume normal eating habits. More importantly, such unhealthy eating practices do nothing to help you to establish long-term healthy weight loss habits.

Try not to wait until the last minute to lose weight. If you have put on extra weight and it is your desire to have a slimmer, healthier body, start building smarter diet and exercise habits today. There are healthy ways to accomplish your goals, but it will take some time. Try not to let yourself get into a stressful conundrum where you need to lose weight fast for a special occasion because this will only lead to the temptation to starve yourself, or to start taking potentially harmful weight loss pills and diuretics.

The quickest healthy way to lose weight quickly is to immediately change all bad habits. Cut sugars and sweets from your diet. Drink a lot of water, especially before meals to cut down on hunger and appetite. Chew gum to curb cravings. Reduce the amounts of carbs, replacing them with more protein and healthy fats such as peanut butter, olive oil, and nuts. Eat more salads, fruits, and vegetables. Exercise 30 minutes to 2 hours every day. Finally, get enough sleep.

Weight loss can be achieved in many ways. The question is whether you will do it in a healthy manner or a unrealistically fast manner. Before attempting any major weight loss, consult a physician or nutritionist for thorough and wise assistance.

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