Make time for your daily exercise routine

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Making time for exercise everyday is probably the hardest thing for everyone; especially with a job to go to, workloads to balance, parties to attend and families to take care of, exercise is always given the back seat. But do we know and realize how much of jeopardy we are putting our health into by ignoring exercise even for a small period of time? With age, taking care of your health from scratch becomes very hard and this is why a lot of people don’t bother in the first place. However, if you make a habit of exercising regularly and eating healthy, all you have to worry about is to maintain your healthy lifestyle no matter how busy your schedule.

Your exercise routine should have some priorities; just like we prioritize our work schedule and family obligations, exercise should have a pre-determined time of the day as well. If you are running late for an appointment and you think you’ll miss out on your exercise today, well re-schedule your workout within the same day but don’t miss it out completely. For this reason, it is best to schedule your workouts in the morning, get up an hour before you normally would to exercise on an empty stomach, consume a protein shake with proteinpulver for energy and then enjoy the rest of your day without any additional worries. So set daily timings for your exercise and keep a flexible schedule so as you don’t miss your exercise.

If you cannot give more than an hour or half an hour to exercise daily, then you should focus on more intense exercises that work your entire body. This means incorporating more short-burst exercises which challenge the muscles and burn more calories. Add resistance in your exercise to increase the intensity of your exercise, for example, use dumbbells and weight lifters for certain exercises. You can also use exercise equipment to add resistance or you can even add interval exercises for this purpose. Interval exercises mean that you continuously alternate between short-burst exercises without any rests to work your body hard; it may be for a short amount of time but the muscles will be given enough challenge to burn adequate calories for one day. Find out the proper way to perform such short-burst exercises which concentrate on major parts of your body.

Understand that after actually giving time to exercise, the important thing is not that you are exercising but what sort of exercises you are performing. So do some research and decide which exercises you want to incorporate in your workout based on their intensity levels. If you like exercising in a gym, you can take advice from the gym trainer on the types of exercises that can be included in a half an hour to one hour rigorous work out.

If including daily exercise is becoming very hard for your busy schedule, you can ask a couple of your close friends if they are interested in working out with you every day. This way exercise becomes a social event rather than a personal one and gives you a lot of incentives to undertake.

One thought on “Make time for your daily exercise routine”

  1. Sometimes in our busy life we can’t give time to our daily exercise but I think we should always try.I do agree with your point about giving priority to our daily exercises.You have so well explained about our daily exercises.

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