A Ketogenic Diet Will Help With A Lot More Than Just Losing Weight

Image by daBinsi via Flickr

A ketogenic diet is a special kind of diet that is really low in carbohydrates. They’re also known as “ketosis” diets. Carbohydrates are, of course, one of the major resources of energy for your body. They’re broken down and the energy is then used for the daily functioning of one’s body. But our bodies are smart. As soon as there is too little carbs to burn, your body changes over to using up fats instead as a key energy source.

Are you starting to see what were getting at? It just seems sensible that any diet plan regime which causes your body to seek out and consume body fat for energy will help you lose weight. All this is fine provided that you do not forget about the simple, old rule that calories out must at the very least equal calories in.

You will find people who fear that a ketogenic diet regime may be unhealthy. The truth is, they are safe; the trouble appears to be that a few individuals get mixed up involving the words “ketoacidsosis” and “ketogenic”. The word “ketoacidosis” describes a very dangerous situation diabetics are affected from, where their blood sugar level swings way out of its standard boundaries. Its important to not get the 2 words mixed up. Fortunately, ketosis is really a completely healthy process, useful for battling illness in addition to fat loss.

Lots of research has been completed on ketogenic diet plans in regards to obesity. In almost every case, individuals involved in the studies who had been fed a ketogenic diet plan documented that their appetites seemed to lessened. It is because ketogenic diet plans are usually quite heavy on proteins. Proteins is shown to help to make us feel full which explains why ketogenic diet programs suppress your appetite. Also, researchers found that people eating some sort of low fat diet regime needed to actively curb their calorie consumption, whereas individuals eating a low carbohydrate diet regime got the same results as those in the low fat group but they also didn’t need to actively keep an eye on their calorie consumption.

You do have to be a little careful with many low carbohydrate diet plans – they generally consist of too much saturated fat to be considered healthy. If you can watch out for the unwanted saturated fats, you’ll find that low carbohydrate diet programs have got their good elements too – far better resistance to insulin, and also far better HDL and Trygliceride levels.

Quite a few studies have already been done around the benefits associated with ketosis diet programs for kids who suffer from epilepsy. To begin with, these people go through far fewer seizure attacks. Research conducted recently revealed 50 % fewer seizures pertaining to 38 % of the children on low carb diet programs, along with a 90 percent reduction for 7 % of them.

If you decide to say ketogenic diet to the majority of men and women they would look at you with a blank stare. Mention the Aitkin’s diet program and they are understanding you. Essentially these are exactly the same thing, a low carbohydrate diet. You should defiantly inform yourself more about ketogenic diet plans if you’re looking for a sure way to drop some weight quickly.

Finding a Diet that Works Quickly for You

It is not easy to find a diet that actually works, because each of us is very different and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. Everyone want to know which diets that work quickly and easily, but what they should be asking is which diets work quickly and easily for me! We have put together a list of common diets that work that you may be interested in researching and why they might work for you.

Common Diets that Work

The Low Carb Diet – Examples Atkins, South Beach

Who should look at it – If your diet consists of primarily carbohydrates and processed foods then this may be a good diet for you. It will focus your attention on the items you are probably not eating enough of, vegetables and protein. By minimizing or cutting out the carbohydrates completely you will learn to eat foods that are more nutritionally beneficial, and over the long term learn to balance your carbohydrates better.

Support System Diet – Examples Weight Watchers

Who should look at it – if you are looking from some emotional support, or want to find some friends who have the same interests as you, then you may benefit from joining Weight Watchers. The New Weight Watchers Points Plus Program is a diet that works because it focuses your attention on eating a nutritionally balanced diet, gives you some extra points for yummy splurges and encourages you to take part in activity. You can follow Weight Watchers online and/or with weekly meetings. Tracking what you eat is very beneficial and weekly meetings offer support, encouragement and educational discussions on weight loss topics.

Vegan Diets – Examples The Kind Diet, The Skinny Bitch Diet

Who should look at it – Much attention has been brought to the vegan movement. If you are looking to remove animal products from your diet and want to follow an organic unprocessed diet then a Vegan diet might be for you. This is a very challenging diet to follow and people considering this approach will have to do a lot of research and planning to make sure their vegan diets are nutritionally balanced.

Food Plan Diets – Example Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem

Who should look at it – If you have the money to spend on these more expensive approaches then you may like to take the thinking out of your diet. Having breakfast, lunch and dinner pre-made for you every day is an easy way to stay on your program. If you don’t get bored by the generic frozen or freeze dried packaged foods then this may be a good approach for you to start. It will get you eating a healthy and balanced diet right away while you learn how to eat out, cook healthier and eventually adapt the healthy lifestyle to your day to day routine.

In conclusion, think about what kind of dieter you are and then look for the programs that will work best with your lifestyle. If you pick the right diet for you you will find that you are following a diet that actually works!

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