Five Unhealthy Eating Habits to Avoid

Statistics show that the majority of women in the United States are worried about their weight. Even if they do not suffer from a diagnosed eating disorder, their eating habits can be unhealthy as they become more and more fixated on their waistlines. There are some signs to watch for in your eating behavior that could be unhealthy.

Emotional Eating

Do you find that you eat when you are unhappy or stressed? Emotional eating can lead to quick weight gain because the food temporarily fills an emotional void rather that only returns soon after. The foods that you choose when you are eating emotionally tend to be unhealthy as well, like ice cream or potato chips. Using food as a reward or consolation can cause unhealthy results.

Changing Habits When Eating Alone

Do you make the same food choices when you are alone that you would make when you are around other people? It is tempting to grab something less healthy when you are not sitting down to a regular meal with family or friends. You might choose a salad and a small dessert when you are out with friends, but feel perfectly fine finishing off a pint of ice cream while watching television alone.

Tracking Every Calorie

It is a good idea to keep track of how many calories you eat, but it can be overdone. If your meals begin and end with a careful calorie count, you might be focusing on calories too much. This type of attention to calories can be difficult to maintain and may lead to severe eating disorders. While it is important to watch what you eat, taking this to extremes is very unhealthy.

Absence of Variety

Food variety is an important way to make sure you are eating all of the nutrients that your body needs. If you eat exactly the same foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day, you are limiting your nutrition intake. A lack of variety is also boring after a while, and makes you more likely to turn to more stimulating, but less healthy foods.

Days of Indulgence

Maybe it is easy for you to stay on diet during the week, but every Saturday you eat twice as much as you would on a normal day. Eating binges can be an indication that your normal diet is too restrictive. Overeating can lead to discomfort and intestinal problems. Moderation is always best, whether you are trying to lose weight or not.

Jessica Bosari writes for, a site that provides support to dieters through tips, tricks and money saving offers like a free medifast discount or a promotion for Nutrisystem.

One of the Best Ways to Lose Fat

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It is very hard for a lot of people to shed weight. Gaining weight is the easy part but taking them off will entail a whole new level of concentration and determination. For those people who want to really lose weight, they have the option to try out the best types of weight reduction techniques which are available in the market today. Since there are a lot of these techniques to choose from, people who do not want to exercise can start with a liquid diet weight loss program.

Liquid diets are said to work wonders when it comes to weight loss. A lot of people have had great results with this diet. These programs are so effective that many celebrities use these methods whenever they want to lose a lot of weight. This type of diet would require a person to substitute solid foods with liquid foods. A person will no longer chew the foods to be eaten because they can be readily taken in by the body. Having the food turn into liquid form will make it easy for the body to digest all the foods taken in. The speeding up of digestion will cause the person to have a faster metabolism and where there is a fast metabolism, there is less fat accumulation.

This type of diet is not only used for people who want to lose weight. There are a lot of people who would like to undergo this type of program in order to achieve a full body detox cleanse. They claim that the liquefied foods eliminate the accumulation of unhealthy toxins in the body thus contributing to a healthy and more energetic body.

With all of the great results which are published all over the net, a lot of people are drawn to this type of diet. The use of liquids for nutrition will definitely aid anyone who is fat to lose a couple of extra pounds.

How to Lose Weight with Fat Burning Foods

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Fat burning foods can be added to the diet for an effective weight loss program. These can help burn fats easily and quickly. Having those fats burned means losing weight and getting a leaner body. There are foods that boost the body’s metabolism and aid in the fat-burning activity other than diet and exercise. This also means that you can actually eat these foods without ever thinking about gaining weight; instead, these foods help you lose the extra pounds you have.

Foods that are rich in protein are the best foods to eat. Of the macronutrients, protein takes more energy for it to be digested. So, your body burns more calories when you eat more protein. Here is a list of several fat burning foods that you can incorporate in your diet.

Eggs are very high in protein and these can help burn the fat around the midsection. However, eggs are noted to be harmful as they increase the blood cholesterol. If you are anxious about this, you can remove the yolk and still benefit from the high content of protein in eggs. Vitamin B12 is also contained which is a beneficial supplement in the breaking down of fat cells.

Low-fat milk and non-fat yogurt are also beneficial to the body. In some study, women who have consumed these foods three to four times a day have lost 70 percent of fat. Therefore, these dairy products are not only good for the bones but in burning unwanted body fat as well.

Lean meats are very rich in protein and because of this more calories are needed for the body to digest them. However, go for beef and opt for the leanest cuts which are usually called “loin” on its label for a healthier portion of meat. Other good sources of protein are tuna and salmon that contain omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart.

Foods that contain capsaicin are also considered fat burners. Jalapenos contain such chemical. Capsaicin can increase the heart rate and boost the metabolic rate of the body. Habaneros which are very hot chili peppers are very excellent fat burners too. Consumption of these spicy foods can help burn more calories. Cayenne pepper is also beneficial for losing weight. According to a study, a boost of 25 percent in metabolism is produced when you eat one spicy meal per day. Also, the calorie burn continues for three hours.

These are just some of the foods that can help burn body fat to achieve your weight loss goals. Whole grain cereals, coffee, green tea and oatmeal are other food sources that can burn fat. However, you must not rely only on these but be sure to perform daily exercises to have an effective weight loss program.

Check out TweakFit blog for more tips on how to lose weight naturally.

Biggest Loser Diets

The Biggest Loser Diet

Maybe your have seen the show. And now you want the same results as the contests that win, preferably without all the crying and snot. Even if you don’t have hundreds of lbs to lose, the Biggest Loser Diet is designed to work for you or anyone.

The Biggest Loser Diet follows the routine of the show trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. On the show, week in and out they grind contestants into the shape with grueling workouts and difficult challenges designed to educate them on the consequences of continuing to eat in an detrimental … Read more at Diet Cleanse

The Biggest Loser Diet

Maybe your have seen the show. And now you want the same results as the contests that win, preferably without all the crying and snot. Even if you don’t have hundreds of lbs to lose, the Biggest Loser Diet is designed to work for you or anyone.

The Biggest Loser Diet follows the routine of the show trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels. On the show, week in and out they grind contestants into the shape with grueling workouts and difficult challenges designed to educate them on the consequences of continuing to eat in an detrimental manner.

According to the trainers on the show, eating to drop weight and to get healthy should involve the 4-3-2-1 rule: 4 vegetables or fruit servings, 3 protein servings, 2 grain servings, and one extra serving every day. The designed way to make the little amount of food go farther is through the selections you make. Bulky servings that contain a lot of fiber stave off hunger for a longer period of time and also flush out some of the fat you’ve ingested in your meal. Throughout the 12 week program, you’ll drop plenty of pounds if the diet is performed to their specifications.

Now, on the other side, you won’t have the identical conditions to the contestants on The Biggest Loser. Trainers will not be yelling in your ear all day to motivate you to exercise. And you’ll have responsibilities at work on at home to create stress. A large part of this program is a big dose of substantial activity. The majority of people do not have the time to exercise for hours each day, but all exercise is cumulative, so even one hour a day every day makes a difference.

You also will not have a trainer in your kitchen talking you through fixing your meals correctly. You will have The Biggest Loser recipe book, yes, and the diet book also to assist you. While both emphasize healthy foods, a couple fats are allowed in the form of healthy oils. Examples would be olive oil and canola oil.

If you can afford to hire a personal trainer to assist you in your exercise, do it. They will make sure your time counts to the maximum benefit of your diet. The idea is to burn up more calories than you ingest without feeling like you are starving at times.

The diet also suggests eating often during the day and choosing fresh foods over processed foods. Fresh foods supply more nutrients and eating every couple of hours keeps you from thinking about food. It might seem like an inconsistency, but when you know what to eat and when to eat, it will take temptation out of the equation. Planning meals ahead of time is also crucial to the Biggest Losers Diet success.

The Biggest Loser Diet takes some restraint but you can see results even though they will not be as tremendous as those seen on the show. If you are not effortlessly motivated, ask a friend to join you on the diet so you stay accountable to someone. Without the company of other people which provide support to the show participants, you’ll have to put the boot in your own end.