Weight Watchers Is The Number One Weight Loss Plan

2012 Most Popular Diets

The majority of people who seriously want to lose weight visit the well-known website Diets in Review. It stands to reason people rely on groups like weight watchers to support them, Beyoncé’s maple syrup diet may be one of Google’s most visited sites but losing a few pounds by joining a group is far easier.

For the past five years diet reviewers have recorded their web traffic so that they could work out which weight loss plan was the one that weight watchers continually followed and talked about. Diets in review have followed the 2012 diet trends but only yesterday they released the names of the 25 most popular weight loss plans for the year.

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Weight Watchers was Diets in Review number one weight loss plan and Medifast and The 17 Day Diet came second and third. The publishing director for Diets in Review stated that the site tracked unique visitors as opposed to ordinary searches and it indicated the type of diet plan that people were following. Naturally everyone who visits the site does not intend to go on a weight watchers diet, some people are just curious, especially dieters who have tried all of the quick fix and faddy ways of losing weight.

The P.I.N.K Method is a weight loss plan that includes a three phase approach towards nutrition combined with DVD workouts and this weight loss brand appears in Google’s top ten searches. Earlier in the year this diet was talked about on popular television shows and it was aided by a strong marketing campaign. Some who reviewed the diet felt that the plan was sensible if not a bit silly but they still gave it their approval. Some experts think that the P.I.N.K. Plan is a flash in the pan whereas weight watchers are here to stay.

Take the Zzzz’s out of your Workout with Zumba

If you are finding your regular workout is becoming a bit dull, or you are looking to start getting in shape then you may wish to consider Zumba. Dance as a way to get fit is certainly not a new idea, and people have been shaking and shimmying off the pounds with salsa, tango, ballroom, belly dance, and even pole fitness and burlesque at gyms and dance studios up and down the country for years now. Zumba is the new kid on the block and this Latin-inspired, fast-pace workout, has spread like wildfire.

What is Zumba

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The aerobic dance form combines elements of belly dance, samba, salsa and merengue and turns them into a cardio workout that tones you up while you look cool (at least once you’ve get the steps down). The atmosphere at Zumba classes is quite different to your average aerobics session, as they have a real party atmosphere. In fact Zumba makes a great evening out with friends, I find that I have so much fun the it really feels more like a fun night out with the girls than a work out, and I’ve learnt a whole host of sexy new dance moves. Most classes are run in large groups, there tends to be a mix of people in terms of age, fitness level and experience. While some people will go in groups of friends, others will go alone so if you can’t round your mates up, you will be made to feel very welcome. You can read more about Zumba at zumba.com.

Refreshes Parts other Dances Can’t

As Zumba targets all of your muscle groups and works squats and lunges into the routines you will most certainly ache then next day but that soon wears off. Zumba teaches you to have better posture and works on your rhythm at the same time as it works on your abs, glutes, arms and thighs. I found that after a few weeks of classes I had started to notice a difference in my body.

Types of Zumba

I find that a regular Zumba class is enough fun to keep me interested, but if you feel that even this is getting a bit too repetitive there are lots of different Zumba variations you can give a try.

Zumba Circuits

If you are looking for something even more high energy then you might enjoy Zumba Circuits where you move between exercise stations to fast paced salsa music.

Aqua Zumba

This is a good choice if you are looking from something that has a lower impact as it takes place in water so puts less pressure on your joints. If exercise in public is not for you then there are now a range of Zumba DVDs that you can use at home and there is even a game for the Wii which is great to play at parties too.

I hope that this intro to Zumba has tempted you to give it a try. I’m Caitin and I am a dance and fitness nut. I’ve been Zumba dancing for about 10 months now. It took me a few lessons to really get into the swing of things but then I was hooked. I write for www.poledancingpoles.info when I’m not or hanging upside down on my pole which is my other dance passion. Let me know how you get on at our blog or on twitter at @poledancepoles. Zumba classes are offered at most gyms now, so it should be easy to find a class near you and get started.

5 Great Alternatives to Hitting the Gym

There’s a good reason so many of us just can’t muster up the sticking power to make committing to the burden of a gym membership worth our time and money, and isn’t that we’re scared of exercise

It’s more that, to a lot of people, the atmosphere of a gym simply isn’t conducive to enjoyment. It can be intimidating, or simply unpleasant depending on where you go, with mirrored walls and a crowded mass of lycra clad limbs lending the setting a nightmarish air.

Whilst exercise is important for our health, that doesn’t mean it should be joyless. If anything the very opposite is true. So, here’s a round up of some top alternatives for those of us who’d rather be anywhere than the gym, even when we’re exercising;

Going For a Run or Hike

This might sound obvious, but the fact of the matter is that a high number of new gym members head straight towards (and stick to) the treadmills.

One of the chief enemies of exercise, especially cardio vascular activities, is boredom. Surely, the risk of boredom is higher on a treadmill, rooted to the spot with no scenery to distract you or prompt your mind to wonder onto subjects other than the ache slowly taking hold of your muscles…

Join a Sports Team

Many people find the gym experience hard to enjoy due to the fact it can be very solitary. Indeed, manufacturers of entertainment devices such as MP3 players have developed special models for use at the gym, to help members zone out and ignore the space around them.

This is probably the factor the drives so many people to hire a personal trainer, not so much for the advice and motivation or the dressings down, more for the company. With this in mind, even if you aren’t much of a sports fan, if you’ve suddenly decided to get fit, consider joining up to a sports team rather than joining a gym.


Alternatively, you might be perfectly happy exercising on your own. Perhaps for you lack of companionship isn’t a problem, but rather, you’d actually prefer more privacy. In that case what better setting for your work out than the seclusion provided by your own front room. Exercising along to a DVD can be an excellent, cost effective way to add structure to your regimen.

Invest In Your Own Equipment

When you think about it, gym membership often amounts to little more than paying over the odds to rent exercise equipment, much of which you could very easily buy yourself at a fraction of the cost of even a months membership, let alone a 12 month contract.

Even if you do love the gym environment, if you are turning up just to utilise dumbbells, resistance bands and an exercise ball, you’re going to be able to buy those items and have them for your own private use whenever you want, at a cheaper price than you pay for the privilege of effectively renting them out for an hour or two a week.

Jane Newman writes on a range of topics pertaining to health and fitness, from easy workouts to choosing health insurance quotes.

Why You Need to Include Strength Training into Your Exercise Routine

Strength training.
Image via Wikipedia

Do you run for miles on the treadmill every day? Do you suffer through those cardio classes at your gym? Are you seeing the results that you are looking for? If not, it may be because you aren’t including strength training into your exercise routine. Many people, especially women, don’t pick up those weights because they are afraid they’re going to end up looking like a body builder. Well, put away those fears, because that isn’t about to happen.  However, strength training can give you the tone and definition you are looking for. It can make you look fantastic in your favourite bikini, skinny jeans or little black dress.

Cardio alone will help you lose fat, yes; but it will not shape and redefine your body. Only strength training can do that. You will also increase your metabolism – Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) increases, meaning that your body can burn fat much more efficiently. Your core will become stronger and you’ll have improved posture, greater strength and your bones will have an increased density.

So, do you need to give up your cardio routine altogether? No, absolutely not! You just need to add strength training to the workout you’re already doing. This doesn’t mean you have to spend another hour in the gym. A good strength training program can take as little as 15-20 minutes. Kettlebell workouts are becoming quite popular, because they incorporate both strength training and cardio at the same time. There are several DVD’s on the market that are quite effective.

If you’re just starting out, it’s important to use lighter weights, no more than 5 pounds. If you prefer, you can use the machines at your local gym. The machines are great for reducing the risk of injury and they will give you a good idea on proper form and posture while you’re performing the exercises.

When you are designing a routine, make sure you work opposing muscle groups; don’t just do your biceps, do you triceps as well. Work your lower body along with your upper body. This will give you a balanced physique.

Reassess your workout every four weeks; chances are you’ll need to increase your weights a bit. It’s also important to change up your routine; your body is so efficient that it gets used to the exercises, and that’s one of the reasons you hit a plateau. Change your program so that your body is always challenged.

While it’s ok to do cardio every day, it’s best to limit your strength training sessions to every other day. This gives your muscles a chance to recover in between sessions.

Eating protein with every meal will help in your strength training efforts as well. Your muscles need protein in order to develop and stay healthy. Have some almonds, organic peanut butter or other protein source with each meal. Protein shakes also make good meal replacements or mid-afternoon snacks.

When you add strength training to your overall exercise routine, you will notice a big difference in how your body looks and feels. You’ll finally have the tone and definition you’ve been looking for.

George Stanzan received his car insurance quotes from and couldn’t be happier.

How to Keep Fit When Traveling for Business

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It can be a struggle to keep fit when traveling for business. Traveling long distances usually requires you to spend most of your time sitting in a car or on a plane. In addition to the lack of physical movement, travelers are more likely to eat unhealthy foods since it can be tough to get a good healthy meal when you’re on the move. But don’t despair – not all business travelers are doomed to being unfit and unhealthy. By being conscientious and resourceful, you can stay fit anywhere! Here are some suggestions on how to keep fit when traveling for business.

When booking your hotel for a business trip, try to get a hotel that offers a gym or exercise room. That way, instead of lying in bed staring at the TV while suffering from jet lag into the wee hours of the night, get some exercise at the gym. If you don’t have a gym available to you but there’s a pool, try swimming some laps. Many hotels offer indoor pools that are available for use during the entire year no matter what the weather is like outside. Some hotels try to cater to fitness minded travelers with special exercise classes such as yoga or pilates.

If you’re stuck in a hotel without an exercise room, there are still plenty of things you can do to work out. Why not buy an exercise DVD, stick it in the DVD player and do the exercise routine alone in your room? If you’re just dying to get a breath of fresh air, put on running shoes and go for a jog around the block.

For people who are facing a long plane trip or a series of grueling meetings, little things can help you feel fit and get your circulation flowing. Sitting for hours and hours at a time is not only bad for fitness, but it can also raise the risk of developing clots in your legs. To combat this, make sure to get out of your chair and to stretch your legs every hour or so. If you’re on a plane, walk up and down the aisle every once in a while. If you’re stuck in a building, sneak out between meetings and walk down the hallway. If you can take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator, do it.

In terms of diet, this may require a bit of planning ahead. Instead of just grabbing unhealthy yet easily accessible things like candy bars and chips, bring healthy snacks with you so you’re not tempted to stray due to hunger. It’s best to avoid fast food places and to head to real restaurants, but if you don’t have a lot of options and are stuck at a place like McDonald’s, have a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich – those are the best options on the menu.

Julie Rukavina is from the website CarRentalExpress.com. She writes about affordable travel options and her website is a great source for cheap car rentals.

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Bikram Yoga For A Healthy Mind And Body

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Bikram Yoga is a style of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhary of India. It involves strengthening both the mind and body for a completely healthy person. This style is most distinctive because the yogasanas or the sequence of postures and movements are done in a heated room to prevent any muscle injury. It offers the benefit of an improved cardio vascular activity for a healthier heart and body. It is also effective for people of all ages providing both agility and fitness.

In learning this method, it is essential to find a good guru to teach you the proper movements and postures. If you find it difficult to find a teacher in your area, Bikram Yoga DVDs are available to guide you through the levels of instruction. The DVDs are divided into levels so that as you become more adept in the practice, you may progress to higher levels of postures. The starter DVD contains the Pranayama series and the Ardha Chandrasana which is Level 1 of the practice. Succeeding levels deal with Ustrasana, Bhujangasana and other high level postures that are more tailored to practitioners who are already supple and flexible. You must be careful to follow only the DVD that is right for your level because more advanced postures may cause more harm than good to your body.

Care must be observed in buying these DVDs because fake copies also abound. The original DVD contains the company logo on the cover. If you cannot find it then the copy is probably a fake.

You may want to find out more about Bikram Yoga to fully understand the philosophy behind this style. You may find that you are fitted for this yoga style and want to start practicing immediately. The practice of yoga involves dedication and discipline that can only be achieved through constant practice.