A great way to bring yourself out of a funk and get your energy back is to try a detox drink. There are many different types of detox drinks available and you can either purchase a ready-made drink, a mix or mix up your own concoction.
Colon cleansing, or detox, is touted by many individuals as the way to rid your body of waste products that build up in the digestive tract. These people claim that the waste build-up causes problems from lack of energy to diarrhea and constipation. They claim that by clearing this waste from the body, a person will experience an overall improvement in health and energy levels will increase.
Cleaning out your system requires strict adherence to a diet rich in fiber and limited to mostly fresh fruits and vegetables and all-natural juices. Ingredients such as carrots, ginger, fennel, basil, lemon, and celery are consumed either raw, juiced or mixed into the best detox drinks. Sugar, fats and processed ingredients need to be avoided in order to achieve detoxification.
Many people begin a detox program with a glass of warm water and lemon juice on the first morning. This stimulates the body and prepares it for what is to come. A detox program can last anywhere from several days to a month or more. This type of program is a great way to start a new diet. It quickly removes toxins, sugars and fats from the body and prepares the stomach to be satisfied with smaller portions of food.
Simplifying your diet by eating all natural foods raw allows your digestive system to rest and rejuvenate itself. This will improve skin tone and texture, brighten your disposition and even make you lose weight or improve muscle tone. Detox drinks help the body to heal itself from within.
Related articles
- Cleaning Of Your Internal Organs With Detox Drinks (cleansebody.org)
- Detox Your Diet: Detoxing Your Body (detoxcleansing.org)