The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Many people have heard of the benefits of fasting. Is intermittent fasting any different than the fasting used in religion or by those that detox? More importantly, what are the benefits of intermittent fasting? The following will give you a better idea of what to expect now and in the future from this type of fasting.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is exactly like it sounds. People spend periods fasting followed by periods of eating. It is recommend to fast for 24 hours, but 16 hours will provide some results. It is also recommended that you fast 1-2 days per week for the best results. And, what are those results? Actually the results that that come from intermittent fasting are very similar to those of calorie restriction. The plus is that you aren’t required to watch your calories every day. Instead, you eat what you want one day and then fast. However, those foods that you do eat are based on a primal diet consisting of meat, vegetables and animal fat.

How Can It Help Me Now?

Those using intermittent fasting have experienced increased energy. One of the biggest benefits though is that people find this diet easier to follow because it allows them to eat fat, which can be tasty and satisfying. Intermittent fasting can also improve brain functions and help the brain stay sharp for longer. This type of fasting also helps muscle mass by more quickly removing waste from the body. You may even experience better workout results when exercising during a fasting phase. Last, but not least, intermittent fasting can offer improved memory and mental clarity. This means you’ll have an easier time remembering names, concentrating on your work and better enjoying life as you age.

What About Later?

Intermittent fasting has many benefits that may not be easy to see immediately. Not only does intermittent fasting reduce the chances of cancer, but it may help you live longer. More importantly, the extra years that you do tack on will be more enjoyable.

Intermittent fasting may be a great option for some people trying to lose weight or just be healthier. However, you should speak with your doctor before beginning the plan. This is especially true for those that have diabetes or nutritional deficiencies that could be worsened while fasting. For those that can do intermittent fasting, you may see an increased value of life in which you’re better able to enjoy your food and quality of life.

About the Author: Darrick Berntsen is a personal trainer and nutritionist. While he doesn’t recommend intermittent fasting for those with certain health conditions, he does find it to be a reasonable method for those who are healthy and simply looking to modify their diets.

Do Detox Patches Really Work?

A new clinical study discovered that health pads filled with Japanese vinegar and natural ingredients help promote good health. These health pads are also called detox patches and applied to the bottom of foot. It is a Japanese way of relieving stress and pain in the body which is quite effective with no side-effects. It is quite popular among them because it is very practical and easy to follow. Apparently, it works even when you are sleeping, and also helps in controlling your cholesterol levels. The most interesting part about these pads is that you can see the results next morning, which have doubtful reasoning.

What do They Look Like?

This is like an absorbent pad that has round edges which can be easily attached to your skin. Commonly these pads have bamboo vinegar, mushrooms and many Japanese herbs. They are usually applied underneath the foot overnight while you asleep. When the pads are removed in the morning, there is a black residue on the skin which should be the toxins that have been pulled out from the body.

How is it Believed to Work?

The feet are chosen for external application because this is advised by reflexology. Each organ system responds to a zone on the feet and these pads stimulate these zones overnight. However, if you have been caught by a scam in various spas that place your feet in a tub of water, then be assured that this technology has nothing to do with the scam. They usually placed your feet on the tub of salt water that was slightly charged to pull out the toxins, which eventually turned the water dark in color. This was only the result of the rust that was developing from the electrodes.

Is It True?

These foot pads, although may have good ingredients, have little or no effect on the outside of the body. The skin has pores on surface but they are not big enough to allow any kinds of toxins to surface out of the foot. It is a residue that is created by the vinegar that reacts to sweat or wet surfaces. They are not a complete scam but the advantages have been exaggerated. They will help extract some impurities from the body, but they are not as effective as any other detoxification diet can help. Instead they can clog your sweat pores and it can make your skin more prone to infections.

Unfortunately, those techniques that are cheap to produce are common tools for scams and they are always overrated like miracle treatments. It is important to know the extent of its usage and hence one should not be misled by expensive offers from different vendors. It is a technique that has grown old and better ways for detox have been discovered for our convenience.

Your liver is the best organ that can give your body a detox, and you can use the following means to improve your condition:

  • Lemon detox diet
  • Liver flush
  • Fasting


Jenny writes about detox foot pads, fatty liver treatment and other things related to liver health.

Cleanse Colon Naturally In 4 Easy Steps

Incidents of colon cancer continue to rise around the world with most patients coming from industrialized countries. If you have recurring problems with your bowel movement, you may be at risk of developing this illness. The good news is that it can be cured by making simple and inexpensive changes in your lifestyle. Learn how to cleanse colon and you will soon feel much better. Just be careful about doing things excessively as you may become susceptible to anemia, malnutrition, and severe dehydration.

Drink Plenty of Water

We are always told to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. While this is a good rule of thumb, some individuals may require more fluids. The reason is that our body uses water to flush out toxins thru urine, sweat, and other waste products. It’s important to replace what has been taken out so that the cycle can repeat continuously. People with higher mass or a more active daily routine will need more water than smaller sedentary officer workers. There are online fluid calculators but for a quick check, one can always take a glance at the color of their pee. Pale yellow is ideal. Dark yellow is a sign that your water intake is inadequate. Drink a glass every now and then. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to pick one up.

Eat Your Greens

Our mothers had good reasons to tell us to eat fruits and vegetables. They are rich in fiber which the colon needs to perform its functions better. Fruits are also great for weight loss, are filled with vitamins and minerals, and they taste fantastic. Eat salads as an appetizer and serve fruits for dessert. They are nutritious and delicious ways to colon cleanse naturally.

More Fiber

Whole grains and can be found in bread, brown rice, barley, rye, oats, and millet. If you want to cleanse colon, these foods can help. You can also switch to brown pasta for your spaghetti and pesto meals.

Healthy Fats

Not all fats are bad for the body. Some actually help in vital functions and promote health. The colon needs healthy fats to keep digestion going smoothly. Prime sources include avocados, eggs, olives, coconuts, raw nuts, and cold-water fishes.

Take to Heart Some Colon Cleanse Reviews

People who know the benefits of body cleansing and of detoxifying the liver, kidneys and colon, seek to understand how various colon cleansing products work to determine which ones to try. But it’s become an arduous task to sort through the colon cleanse reviews offered online because websites / forums offering what appears to be “unbiased” colon cleanse reviews often have a particular product for sale on the same website. So while information may be given abut a variety of products, the best testimonials / reviews are usually reserved for the product that’s being promoted. Hardly unbiased.

One way to decide which colon cleansing product reviews can be trusted is to read comments on websites that don’t sell cleansing kits and aren’t promoting any supplements. But the best way is to forget about reading reviews of pre-packaged “products” and investigate single / combined ingredients that are most effective in detoxifying / cleaning colonic build-up. It’s possible to use available colon cleanse reviews offered by patients of wellness centers to see what ingredients are being used. In my case, after reading what experts say about how to detox, cleanse the colon and even lose weight in two weeks or a month at international clinics, I discovered that it’s easy to make an effective colon cleanse without buying pre-packaged products.

By reading what experts recommend and how patients reacted and then analyzing what packaged cleanse kits provided (for people who want to not just cleanse but also lose weight in 2 weeks or less), I found basic ingredients repeating themselves continually. Fresh ground flax seed is an effective colon cleanser all on its own. A blend of psyllium husk, oat bran and flax seed is another effective mix. Senna tea is part of many detox programs, and drinking of water and freshly extracted vegetable juices. These few basic things are the basis for the best colon cleansing programs – and most ingredients are sold at local supermarkets and health food stores.