Is Juicing Good for You?

So many things have been said about juicing. Some people say juicing has a lot of benefits for the body. However, there is also a group of people who say that juicing is not all that good, that it also has harmful effects to the body. So, which of the two groups is telling the truth? Well, both groups are correct in some aspects. Juicing can both be a good and a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. The answer is a bit more complicated than most people think.

Juicing can give you a lot of health benefits. A lot of people are aware that medical experts highly recommend eating fresh fruits and vegetables. The fact is, not all fresh fruits and vegetables are palatable. Some just have a taste which is just too strong for some people. With juicing, you will be able to have a wide range of vegetables and fruits included in your diet. You can add ingredients like lemons, limes and cranberries to make them more palatable and more flavorful.

Fruits and vegetables contain high levels of ingredients which help fight disease. They also have high levels of antioxidants. They can help make you look younger and help flush out the toxins from your body. Vegetable fruit juices are especially helpful for people who are trying to lose weight. All these things should be enough to convince you buy juicer now.

However, when you juice, you lose fiber from the fruits and vegetables. Fiber is needed because it aids digestion. Fiber is a great help to your digestive health which you cannot get from any other source. Fruit juices tend to be high in calories so people trying to lose weight are better off drinking vegetable juices.  People who consume a lot of fruit juices will have a rapid rise in blood sugar.

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