Best Online Health Resources

While there is no substitute for the advice and diagnosis of a qualified medical professional, or the treatment you receive in a hospital, doctor’s surgery or alcohol treatment facility, the Internet is full of resources.

You can use these resources to improve your health and educate yourself on diseases and medications. You can also find information on hospitals, doctors, drug and alcohol rehab centers and more. However, you can’t always trust everything you read on the Internet, so the next time you want to look something up about your health, turn to these resources first.

The easy-to-use symptom checker of WebMD has given valuable information to many concerned people all over the world. The website allows you to narrow down your symptoms by body part and also provides tons of information on diseases, conditions, symptoms, drugs and supplements.

That’s not all – you can also learn about preventative medicine, healthy living, how to eat in a healthy fashion and take part in communities devoted to particular conditions from ADHD to Sleep Conditions. Myriad features and articles give you information on common health worries and conditions as well as on how to stay healthy.

The website of the United Kingdom’s National Health Centre offers a wealth of information on symptoms, diseases, medications and treatments. While it is a UK resource it is an excellent source of information on various medical issues.

Bear in mind that medications will be listed under their United Kingdom trade names and may not be available in the United States. You can also use the symptom checker to try and find out why you are feeling unwell and check out articles that go into detail about health issues that have recently featured in the news.

The Mayo Clinic is internationally renowned for the skill and expertise of its medical professionals. In addition to a symptom checker, the website also offers expert information and advice on diseases, medical conditions, drugs, supplements and healthy living.

The section on tests and procedures is great for those who will soon be undergoing a medical procedure or a test and want to know what they can expect from their visit to their healthcare provider. They also host blogs from experts in such areas as pregnancy, stress, nutrition, diabetes, cancer, depression and Alzheimers, where you can receive up-to-date information, advice and even join in the conversation with your own questions and experiences.

While you should always talk to a qualified professional if you have worries about your health, the Internet provides amazing resources that can empower you to make better decisions, ease your mind and help you take more control of your own health.

This post made possible by guest blogger James Tennant, a writer with varied interests, including drug and alcohol rehab centers and alcohol detox facilities.

10 Most Common Disorders Related To Women’s Health

Women and men differ in many ways.  This is no secret.  When it comes to health, there are some disorders that are often more prevalent in females than in males.  While the disorders listed below are not limited to being problems only for women, they have proven to be more prevalent in the female gender.  If you are a woman, knowing what disorders are common and what side effects to look for can be very helpful in determining if you are suffering from a common disorder related to women’s health. The following are 10 common disorders found in women. 

  • Eating Disorders.  Eating disorders are very common among women in their early adulthood.  The standards that society has set as far as what it means to be beautiful have forced an increase in the number of women who suffer from the problem.  The notion that being thin is beautiful has caused many women to be plagued by eating disorder that negatively impact their health.  A woman often knows when she is suffering from an eating disorder because it is self provoked.  During other times, it can be a mental road block that she has to overcome.
  • Sleep Disorders.  Another disorder that is all too common among women is sleep disorders.  These disorders tend to affect working women more than those who stay at home.  Sleep disorders can be very dangerous to your health. If you aren’t getting adequate rest, your immune system will begin to shut down leading to further health problems. It is recommended that an adult get a full 6-8 hours of rest during the night. Any less than this can bring on health problems in the future.
  • Grave’s Disease or an overactive thyroid.  An overactive thyroid is characterized by weight loss, irritability, muscle weakness, shaky hands, fine brittle hair, etc.  It occurs when the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone and is very common among women of all ages.  Grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism can only be diagnosed through blood tests given at your doctor’s office.
  • Hypothyroidism.  In contrast, hypothyroidism is caused when the thyroid produces too little hormones.  They symptom of this disorder are the same as with Grave’s Disease except the woman may experience weight gain rather than weight loss.  If left untreated, a woman can have trouble focusing and taking part in day to day activities in life.  Once again, only your doctor can determine if you have a problem with your thyroid by testing your blood.
  • Anemia.  A lack of iron in the body is a disorder than is common among women in the child bearing age.  Menstrual periods can leave the woman with the lack of iron that is needed to maintain a healthy body.  Many women are forced to take iron pills to help with the disorder. Many doctors recommend that every woman take a vitamin daily to ensure sufficient iron levels.
  • Psoriasis.  This disorder occurs when new skin cells develop to deep within the skin.  Appearing on the head, elbows, and knee, the thick red patches are often itchy and painful.  Women are more subject to getting psoriasis than men.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis. This disorder occurs when the immune system attacks the lining that protects the joints in the body.  This leads to reduced movement and can leave women unable to function.  Eventually, medication will have to be taken to help lessen the symptoms associated with the medical disorder.
  • Diabetes. Common among both men and women, diabetes has become an epidemic.  Of left untreated, diabetes can lead to heart disease.  Symptoms may include frequent bathroom visits (urination), feeling hungry, tiredness, dry skin, etc.
  • Celiac Disease.  Abdominal bloating, skipped menstrual periods, infertility, fatigue, and extreme weight loss/gain are all symptoms of celiac disease. This disease is commonly found in women and occurs when one has an allergy to gluten which is found in many foods.
  • Headache disorder.  Countless women suffer from headaches on a daily basis.  Headaches are often brought on by tension or stress.  Migraines are a common form of headache that can especially hard for women to deal with.

Above are 10 common disorders that can affect the overall health of women. If you think that you may have one of the disorders, consult you doctor.  Only your doctors can accurately diagnosis whether or not you have a disorder. Schedule your appointment today!

Alex writes for self hypnosis resource website where you can download self hypnosis scripts, relaxation cds, subliminal messages and lot more.

Gout Foods to Avoid

Gouty arthritis is a common affliction that many people struggle with today. It is a condition mainly caused by a diet which is filled with food items that have high purine content. Listed below are gout foods to avoid, assuring slim chances of developing the condition.

Foods items which are known to be very rich in purines include yeast, sweetbreads, herring, mussels, smelt and sardines. There are also vegetables that fall into this category. Asparagus, cauliflower and mushrooms are some vegetable sources that have been known to precipitate gout. Those at risk for developing the condition should minimize the consumption of these foodstuffs. Likewise, food sources which are moderately rich in purines include veal, turkey, mutton, grouse, bacon, pheasant, scallops anchovies, kidneys, goose, trout, liver and salmon. These may also have the potential to worsen existing gouty conditions.

When considering gout foods to avoid, caffeine and alcohol should also be taken in moderation. Caffeine present in coffee promotes faster breakdown of proteins and promotes purine deposition. Hence, more caffeine in the system aggravates the condition. Similarly, alcohol increases the production of uric acid and hinders optimal excretion by the renal system. This increases the circulating levels of uric acid.

Experts also believe that acidic foods may also contribute to the development of the disorder. The excretion of Uric acid accelerates if the urine achieves a basic or alkaline condition. Conversely, the urine reaches an acidic state in the presence of more acids. The normal pH of neutral Urine is 7.0. If it reduces to 6.0, the excretion rate of uric acid is significantly lowered. There are various foods that can fall under this category. As they are of a wide variety and extremely common in the average diet, it is better to consume these in moderation as opposed to completely avoiding these food items. Some of the more common items include: Carbonated soft drinks & fizzy drinks, White Pasta, Chicken, Pork, Beef, Brown sugar, Chocolate, White Sugar, Wheat bread, White rice and Processed White vinegar.

The Many Benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass has grown so popular in recent years. They say it is does wonders to the body. Wheatgrass looks literally like grass, no appeal at all but it gives you body all the nutrients it needs. Wheatgrass juice is also very popular today. Juicing wheatgrass has become a trend lately. A lot of people are getting in on the action too. In this article we are going to outline the benefits of wheatgrass and chances are you will be convinced to try it too.

Wheatgrass is quite hard to break down so you will need a special juicer for it. You cannot just use any type of juicer. You need to buy juicer which is especially made for wheatgrass. There are also special juicers which can make juice from fruits, vegetables and wheatgrass but they are more costly than your regular juicers.

Consuming wheatgrass is juice form is better for the body because it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. You will get immediate energy from consuming it. Wheatgrass not only energizes the body, it also reduces fatigue. If you drink wheatgrass, you will not eat as much because it acts as an anti-suppressant. Wheatgrass can improve your body’s metabolism. You will burn more calories than you normally do and this is what makes it really good for people who are trying to lose weight.

Wheatgrass juice improves your digestion because it is full of fiber. It is also antibacterial and it is very good at cleansing the liver. For people who want to take good care of their teeth, wheatgrass is a must. It prevents tooth decay. Wondering if wheatgrass does your skin any good? The answer is a definitive yes. It can treat acne, improve your complexion and even remove acne scars. It also keeps the hair from graying and it is good at removing dandruff. Wheatgrass calms the nervous system, boosts your immune system and offer relief to people who suffer from constipation.

Understanding and Coping with Teen Acne

Acne is a skin disorder that spares no one. It will inevitably affect all of us at any given time although the condition and severity may differ from one to the other. Acne can pose a very disheartening and discouraging situation for anyone, coping with acne has been a continuing battle for a large percentage of our population.

Acne in Teens

The young teen population has been shown to exhibit the most acne symptoms. Roughly 90% of our entire teenage populace will experience acne. As teenagers reach puberty, their body hormones starts to go haywire creating an imbalance that often results in acne. Acne, pimple or zit is not just limited to the face, as it can also manifests in other parts of the body such as the neck, back and chest.

Though acne nowadays can be hidden with a good concealer, this however does no treat the root of acne. Most teens suffering from acne undergo peer embarrassment as well as public ridicule that may result in anxiety, loss of self esteem and depressive disorder. Oftentimes, teenagers with severe acne become victims of bullying in school with chants of pizza or scar face incessantly thrown at them.

Acne during this highly sensitive period of early adulthood can cause much more damage than that just skin scarring, it can develop into emotional and psychological problems that are even harder to cure.

Treating Acne in Teens

As teens are more prone to sensitive skin, acne treatment can sometimes be very difficult. The regularly prescribed topical solutions that can work for adults may contain chemical that are too harsh for teen skin. There are different modalities in treating acne, one can go for the mainstream medication while others opt to seek the help of alternative medicine.

Conventional Acne Treatments

Acne solutions are often sold in most pharmaceutical and health stores in the form of soaps, topical ointments, cream or liquid solutions. Most of them contain tretinion, retinoids, glycolic or alpha hydroxy acids. At present however, there are no drugs that have passed and been approved by the FDA to address the causes of acne.

Alternative Acne Treatments

As more consumers re-connect with the old practice of alternative natural healing. Some parents have resorted to herbal medicines to help their teens cope with the problem of acne. Some of the herbs that exhibit properties for acne treatments include dandelion, tea tree oil, lavender as well as burdock roots. Herbs can be used as safer and effective home remedies for acne.

Talking to Teens about Acne

The most important step in helping teens cope with acne can be done through proper education. Let your teens understand that acne is experienced by almost everyone and that often it is a transient or passing stage that everyone in their teens have to experience. Educate them on the important of proper hygiene and healthy diet to help prevent acne.

Arm your teens with the pertinent information they would need to care for their skin at this very sensitive stage in their lives.

  • Helping Kids Manage Teen Acne (